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I was out from early evening, very cold with frost on the telescope and me when I finished observing  around 7.40pm.

The Cup Hadle was visible, and it looked quite stunning with the blackness either side of the sparkling highlights of the Cup Handle itself.  Quite beautiful.

I was using the Tecnosky 102ED f7 with the binoviewer and 16.8 0rthos.

Single frame below, and some crops,  using the Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/320 at 400asa.




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44 minutes ago, mikeDnight said:

Very nice shot Paul. "Cup handle",  I've never heard that one before. It sounds much more romantic the Bay of Rainbows, but I like it! :thumbsup:

Thanks Mike.  The 'cup handle' has been used for years, though other names for it have come into use.  It is used because, er well, it looks like a cup handle! 😁.

The Bay of Rainbows is not a name for this illumination effect, , it's just a translation of Sinus Iridium. 🙂

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