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Platesolving software issues


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I am having issues with the PlateSolving software Astrophotography Tool uses. I have all three (All Sky Plate Solver, PlateSolve2 and Astrometric Stacking Program) installed and have looked at the 'Setting up PlateSolving in Astrophotography Tool' thread but still can't figure out where the issues lie. 

The issues are:

1) All Sky Plate Solver (ASPS) gives me the errors (Platesolve error 1 and Platesolve error 2) attached below when I do anything within the software (open settings etc.) and it consistently times out when blind solving through APT.

2) Astrometric Stacking Program (ASTAP) gives me the error (ASTAP error) attached below. I have the H17 database installed (twice) in the astap folder and it clearly can't find it. 


Any ideas how to solve these?


Platesolve error 1.png

Platesolve error 2.png

ASTAP error.png

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Hi. I've not used ASTAP much with APT as it struggled with my 6D and short focal length lenses, so unsure whats your issue there. Regarding the ASPS, have you pointed APT to the correct folder? Have you installed the indexes for your focal length and camera?

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I don't know your specific problem, but since it is referencing a missing database, I would try using ASTAP as a standalone package to solve some well characterised images. If it works, your problem is in the integration between APT and ASTAP, and the APT forum is the place to go for help. If it doesn't work, you need to get it working standalone first.

I didn't experience the same problem, but I have had multiple problems with pieces of astro software relying on each other. I always try to make sure something new is working as it is supposed to standalone, before I try integrating. I still have problems, but fewer😁

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A common problem that has errors like this is where the software does not understand the directory names with spaces. To make matters worse if the user selects the directory using a file explorer the code 'could' write the location in a config file with quotes but if the types it it saves without the quotes and at run time gives these errors. Hopefully, these bugs get weeded out quite quick.

For example C:/Program Files or C:/Program Files (x86)

Sometimes it just needs to have the location in quotes or to use the old short names, you can see these by using the 'dir /x' option in a command window.


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On 07/01/2021 at 01:09, Celestron4 said:

2) Astrometric Stacking Program (ASTAP) gives me the error (ASTAP error) attached below. I have the H17 database installed (twice) in the astap folder and it clearly can't find it. 


Any ideas how to solve these?

I suspect you downloaded the new database H17 and the program on the day the ASTAP program was upgraded from G17 to H17 databases.  So a transition period. For the H version of the database you will need version 0.469 or higher. I would suggest to install the latest ASTAP program and try again. Databases are simply installed in the same path as the program and normally never have any location or path problem.  The only time access problem occur is in very rare cases where a second ASTAP is still in memory searching and they try to access the same database. Task manager will show that.

For any solve problem just ask me for more assistance. Either here, personal message or on the ASTAP forum.




ASTAP solver is moving from G17, G18 to the H17, H18 databases. The stars are split in 1476 files of about 5x5 degrees instead of the usual 10x10+ degrees for the 290 files. The blind solving speed increases if your  field-of-view is equal or smaller then about 1.5 degree. Blind solving speed doubles at a field-of-view of 0.5 degree compared with using the G18 star database.

There is no urgency to replace the existing G17, G18 databases. They will keep on working. In the long term I would recommend for field-of-view smaller then 1 degree to move to the H18. There is no penalty for using the H18 instead of H17, same speed only the size is larger and it goes deeper. A write-up to clarify some things in detail will follow later.


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On 07/01/2021 at 18:56, Celestron4 said:

I installed the indexes the first time I opened it I think. My imaging camera is an astro-modified Canon EOS600D and my telescope has a focal length of 945mm (Celestron Nexstar 6 SCT with Celestron F6.3 focal reducer) if this helps.

You may have installed the index files but unless you tell the software where to find them it won't work.. I use ASPS and platesolve2 but in APT and NINA  and both of those you need show the path

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