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ZWO224 MC to EAA with IR/UV Filter?

Tiago Ferreira

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I'm waiting for an order of a eq platform and a ZWO 224MC to enter the EAA world, a difficult set up i know but for a low budget and i want to use my 12" f/5 dobson for that.

I wonder if a IR/UV cheap filter would benefit my visual or is only indicated for astrophotography?

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Hi astrocanito, 

I have occasionally tried an IR filter - no success, changes focal point, and adds to the time needed to get an image. Personally I would stick with your set up and get to grips with the EEVA technique for observing. A 12" f5 scope can give you some wonderful results - there are thousands of DSOs just waiting for a visit. I use a 15" Dob, a C11 and a 7" Mak Cas. If I had to choose just one scope for EEVA, it would definitely be a 12" Dob, (probably at f4.5).

Feel free to ask for help, ideas and when you look at the EEVA reports thread you will see that specific threads have been set up for Arps, Hicksons, Globulars, PNs, RNs, SHK galaxy groups, WBL galaxy groups, Palomar Galaxy Groups, VV galaxies, Arp-Madore galaxies.........Resources are there at the start of the threads.

Have fun and I shall look forward to your posts.


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I can't really comment on visual. In EEVA a UV filter is sometimes employed to reduce star bloat for blue stars when using an achromat but bloat won't be a problem for a Newtonian reflector.  As for the IR side, there is plenty of energy at those wavelengths in DSOs so I wouldn't use one.

I have the Baader LRGBC set and I always use the C (clear) in preference to the L (which is restricted to the RGB range ie cuts IR/UV -- there is quite a large difference in response). If you do decide to use filters at any point via a filter wheel or filter slider, it is worth having a parfocal C filter to avoid the problem Mike mentions of having to refocus between changes.

I'm interested to see how you get on with your EQ platform for EEVA purposes. I don't know of many who use one but it is something I've considered myself. I imagine it will be necessary to keep exposures very short at the focal length you're going to use unless tracking is absolutely spot on.


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yes i will keep exposures short. After i try i will share here the results for sure. It was very frustrating to search allover the internet for a similar set up experience and didn't find any. So mine will be available for all. Basically i'm a visual guy that wants to try EAA to improve the images, to see what i can't see as a human and also allow my family to enjoy that improvement, specially the kids. For that, having a 12" f/5 dob i didn't want to spend a lot to try EAA neither to buy another telescope so i decided to buy the zwo224mc and the eq platform to make the party with about 600€. Let's see how it goes. Getting focus is the doubt i still have in my head and i have a 2" filter wheel that i imagine will not work because of the backward focus but who knows.

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Your fov will be tiny and the stacking software will struggle to stack frames. I think you have 2 choices, spend big on a full frame camera or use something smaller like a 60mm f/5-f/6 refractor or a small fast reflector. Not to be a party pooper but i think you will have a very frustrating time with this setup.



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I'm aware of all of that.

That's all relative. What you see has frustration i see has a challenge to get funny moments.

The things have different perspectives in life.

A Stellina guy could say the same to a traditional astrophotographer. What he doesn't understand is that the traditional AP have fun doing all that process.

An AP could also say the same to an old school visual style. Again, doesn't understand he likes all that process.

And what to say to a guy with an ALTAZ 70mm? That is a headache? But if the guy is having fun with that and not complaining...

I'm also having fun with this challenge and process, what do i have to loose? Beside, if i succeed the reward may be good with loads of good moments. If nothing works i can return it all if i want. No big deal.

Party goes on 🎶 please, have a sit. I invite you. 🍻

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Going back to the original question... A UV/IR cut filter is only really needed where there are refractive optics in the system, when IR will come to a different focus point. So unnecessary on a Newtonian. Visually you will probably see no effect, as the eye is not very sensitive to UV or IR. With a OSC camera, you might find an unusual colour balance with no IR cut - but astrophotographers would be better able to advise on that.


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14 hours ago, barkingsteve said:

the stacking software will struggle to stack frames

Astrotoaster has no problems with fits from my ASI224MC and native C9.25 f10  - and thats doing it live with no post processing! Attached M57 doing exactly that



11 hours ago, astrocanito said:

I'm aware of all of that.

That's all relative. What you see has frustration i see has a challenge to get funny moments.

The things have different perspectives in life.

A Stellina guy could say the same to a traditional astrophotographer. What he doesn't understand is that the traditional AP have fun doing all that process.

An AP could also say the same to an old school visual style. Again, doesn't understand he likes all that process.

And what to say to a guy with an ALTAZ 70mm? That is a headache? But if the guy is having fun with that and not complaining...

I'm also having fun with this challenge and process, what do i have to loose? Beside, if i succeed the reward may be good with loads of good moments. If nothing works i can return it all if i want. No big deal.

Party goes on 🎶 please, have a sit. I invite you.

you might have to choose your objects but go for it its a useful learning curve BEFORE spending heaps of cash (if you must) - its EEVA anything goes - especially if you get enjoyment out of it. 🙂


Edited by stash_old
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  • 2 weeks later...

Still working on this EAA project. I was happy to found that i can get focus with the zwo224 so i will try the reducer, i have nothing to loose, i will return it if not happy. It's a 2" ts optics. Or may be it works for visual, i don't know yet so i want to give a try on visual too.

No adapters, zwo straight to the focusser. However i've ordered one adapter/nosepiece M42/2" to fit more securely.

I realized that the platform i had, the TS Optics, is completely inadequate for my 12" Dobson (too heavy, may be only for 8" max.) so i've returned it and bought this one:




Each one has his preferences and i am a visual guy just giving a try to EAA so if it goes wrong i will keep the platform for my visual comfort (and my family).

Now i'm still waiting, let's see. I am anxious to put everything on the way. I am too "green" on sharpcap pro and i've tried the cam only with asistudio, a relief of simplicity however i will come back to sharpcap. Asicap worked with tablet but crashes after few minutes and the image is better on laptop. Step by step.


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52 minutes ago, Mike JW said:

The EQ platform looks very nice.  If the reducer does not work (spacing to the chip is important), operating at F5 should work (I use a C11 at f6.3) but as you realise the field of view will be very small.

Good luck,


yes, it's small. I saw before buying the cam on simulator. I don't have much faith on the reducer but if it works on my eyepieces i will keep it anyway. I herd that some reducers on visual give distortion or coma but i don't know.

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