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Solar white light 4th Dec


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Very nice! I often use my 85mm for oberserving in white light.

Sunshine, one nice thing about solar is that the gear tends to get a lot of use. I use mine much more than my dob, alas, due to UK weather etc! And now is a good time to get solar gear, hopefully, with the sun early on in the solar cycle, and plenty of action to come, with any luck!

Edited by Luke
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Thanks, sad part is I had a 60mm Lunt but, sold it for another scope I became enamored with which I ended up SELLING anyway cause it was just too big! now I find myself missing solar and am looking for another Lunt.

A mistake I won’t make again.

Edited by Sunshine
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4 hours ago, johninderby said:

Nice effort.The wedge does work rather well. 👍🏻

Non stop rain here today so no observing for me.



BTW you might want to check the date in the title of the thread. 🤫

OOps calendar was still in November!!

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