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Some Multispectral Observing with Jocular 0.3

Bill S

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It was not the best of evenings for observing yesterday. Very damp, not as transparent as it might be and a bright Moon. But, I was keen to have a go with some multispectral observing with Jocular 0.3. Initial captures were with SLL 3.0 using LRGB filters. What shall I try first? Start at the beginning. Well, the beginning of the Messier catalogue. M1 the Crab Nebula. Very happy with how the colour has added something including drawing attention to the HII filaments.




What's next. The most photographed DSO, perhaps. The Orion nebula. Always worth a look.




Another favourite worth a look and a snapshot to see how the software performs. The Cigar Galaxy. Again, some good colour from HII regions.



One last one from last night's collection was the Eskimo Nebula. This is a planetary nebula at around 6500 ly.




Yes, Martin Meredith, I am mightily impressed with Jocular 0.3.

Edit: I've put some notes together about using SLL and Jocular for LRGB imaging to hopefully complement the Jocular manual. I've posted this in the Equipment EEVA section of SGL.


Edited by Bill S
Added reference to some notes.
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Oh, these are great!

i think my approach to colour acquisition is going to be a script to capture and debayer and OSC frame and then split it and drop the separate RGB subs into the watched folder.  Can’t wait to give it a go.


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Terrific Bill, what a set of subjects, although I don’t do EEVA I follow these threads avidly. Just by chance I was doing an imaging run on M33 around that time and due to a discourse on the history of M1 with a friend I tried for a single image which surprised me. A very small amount of red, (nothing like yours of course). I will try and find it in my inbox and post.


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