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Sh2-240 (Spaghetti Nebula) - Panel 1 Ha


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The start of a 4 panel mosaic of Sh2-240.  It wasn't supposed to be, but seeing ended up being excellent.  The Moon set around 11:30 and the SNR really improved when the target approached zenith.  I have never imaged this target before.  I needed a target to shoot in narrow band while I wait for the Moon to depart.  I did not realize this one was in prime position.  Its a decent start, though maybe not worthy of a post....but I am excited that I finally found the proper framing--its a dim target and it took me a while to find the right orientation.  I need to increase my dither in future sessions for this target.  


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1 minute ago, Rodd said:

The start of a 4 panel mosaic of Sh2-240.  It wasn't supposed to be, but seeing ended up being excellent.  The Moon set around 11:30 and the SNR really improved when the target approached zenith.  I have never imaged this target before.  I needed a target to shoot in narrow band while I wait for the Moon to depart.  I did not realize this one was in prime position.  Its a decent start, though maybe not worthy of a post....but I am excited that I finally found the proper framing--its a dim target and it took me a while to find the right orientation.  I need to increase my dither in future sessions for this target.  


Want to do the same myself. This is a great start. 

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Hi Rodd - this is one I always wanted under my belt - and finally did it in 2018 when I got a large chip camera. (https://www.kinchastro.com/simeis-147.html). I wanted it in good detail and like you, ended up doing a 4 panel mosaic rather than well reduced. Mind you - it put me off mosaics.......I have not done one since (It was a work up). 🙄

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1 hour ago, alan potts said:

It is one I intend having a go at but even with clear skies the Moon is holding me back with only having OSC's. Nice start Rodd.


Thanks Alan--yeah, the Moon is a a harsh mistress.  In other words, a royal $#@*!

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1 hour ago, Kinch said:

it put me off mosaics.......I have not done one since (It was a work up). 🙄

bout time for another!  You image looks great.  >Love the deep red.  I hope the mosaic comes out as I hope--but if not, I am bound to get at least one decent image out of 4 panels!

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3 minutes ago, Kinch said:

I may have been put off them....FOR LIFE 🤣

Nonsense.....I find the PI method pretty easy.  granted I have only ever done 2 panel mosaics--this will be my first where panels will have to be attached along 2 borders.  It would be a lot easier to image with a 50100 camera (even a full frame with the FSQ 106 at F3 would only need 1 frame to get this--2 at most)

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17 minutes ago, Rodd said:

Nonsense.....I find the PI method pretty easy.  granted I have only ever done 2 panel mosaics--this will be my first where panels will have to be attached along 2 borders.  It would be a lot easier to image with a 50100 camera (even a full frame with the FSQ 106 at F3 would only need 1 frame to get this--2 at most)

It is not so much stitching them together but - trying to process all to look the same hue and depth. It took me from 26 Nov to 15 Dec to gather the data....lots of different conditions over the period. If I remember correctly I used APP to do the whole job.....it does well with mosaics. Anyway.....Good Luck with the project. I am glad it is you and not me 🤣🤣

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13 minutes ago, Kinch said:

It is not so much stitching them together but - trying to process all to look the same hue and depth. It took me from 26 Nov to 15 Dec to gather the data....lots of different conditions over the period. If I remember correctly I used APP to do the whole job.....it does well with mosaics. Anyway.....Good Luck with the project. I am glad it is you and not me 🤣🤣

When I did mosaics ( I have done a few linear ones up to 3 panels).  i stitched them together in the linear state and then processed the entire mosaic as 1 image.  Once I got them together it was just ;like any other image.  Anyway-I figured it will be a bicolor (Ha OIII) so only 2x more data than an LRGB image--and less than 2x than a HaLRGB image.  You know what they say when you are almost at the top of the hill and the pain is unrelenting.....eye on the prize.

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6 minutes ago, tomato said:

Great first panel, inspired by @gorann’s recent Squid nebula, I’m going to try and capture this in one night with a two panel mosaic using the RASA 8, QHY 268c and NBX dual band filter, I’m nothing if not ambitious (and optimistic!)

A mosaic in one night....I have to go back to bed, i woke up in a different world!  Actually--i toyed with the idea of capturing  the Ha and OIII for this pane;l in one night, but then I came to my senses.  This image as a smidgen over 5 hours of data and won't look like I want it to without another 5 hours.  If I tried to do 4 hours of Ha and 4 hours of OIII, I am afraid irt would be seriously data lite.  Nope, I have learned that patience is a huge asset in this game.  The way I look at it is spending another 5 hours on data will be a pain for 5 hours.....but not collecting the data will be a pain forever...each time I look at the image I will remember). 

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14 hours ago, Rodd said:

Thanks Alan--yeah, the Moon is a a harsh mistress.  In other words, a royal $#@*!

Snap I used that expression only yesterday showing a snap shot of the Moon on facebook, can't say I can ever recall using Royal in that context.


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5 hours ago, alan potts said:

Snap I used that expression only yesterday showing a snap shot of the Moon on facebook, can't say I can ever recall using Royal in that context.


Might be a Yankee thing

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