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The Veil - Ha - first from new home


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It's taken 18 months to get here but we finally arrived in our new (to us) home which not only benefits from much darker rural skies but also provides near uninterrupted views of the Western sky, previously hidden to me by houses, trees and too many street lights.

This is just 15 x 180s lights (five were discarded due to errand clouds skuttling across the fov) using a Canon 200mm on the ASI1600MM-Pro.


I think I've got a bit of a spacing issue with the lens but hopefully this image will provide a useful starting point for adding OIII and SII when the first cloud free night comes along - later this week if CO is to be believed! 🤣

Thanks for looking.


Edited by Adreneline
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30 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

Really great image. The new skies must be a real treat.

Thanks Adam.

Darker skies are a huge bonus. One of the Bortle reference maps suggests this is Bortle 2/3 - CO says Bortle 4. Whatever it's a whole lot better than where I was, surrounded by Derby, Nottingham, EMA and Ashby. The other massive bonus is not having planes landing over you all through the night whenever the wind was anything other than westerly.

I love the fact I can step out into the back garden, look up, and there is the MW - I don't even need to allow time for my eyes to adjust. Stand out there for 15 minutes and it's amazing. I love it!


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Great start. Darker skies are a game changer. within the last 2 weeks i've moved from Penrith (Bortle 6/7) to a tiny village within the North Peninnes AONB (Bortle 3) the village has 1 light & you need a torch to walk to the car. I popped out very late the other evening & saw M31 the second I stepped out. Moving here has brought back my interest in AP & i'll very soon have all the last few bits needed to start again.

Edited by nephilim
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Great start Adrian! Buying a coutryside property was what got me into AP. Never even thought about it when I lived in or near a city. So welcome to the dark side!

Edited by gorann
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11 hours ago, nephilim said:

Great start.


38 minutes ago, gorann said:

Great start Adrian!

Thanks guys.

The darker skies are amazing but I have to say it's the lack of aircraft passing over the house at well less than 1000 feet that is so, so good. The number of subs that have been completely and irretrievably lost over the last four years is beyond count; some nights they were coming in at 180s intervals!

I'm delighted to have moved to the dark side. The air is a whole lot cleaner to breath as well!


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