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Flying orange jelly


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The seeing here was pretty bad last night but since its been a while since I raised my pencil in anger I thought I'd still try a quick sketch of Mars.  Although the conditions were mostly poor with the disc shimmering and wobbling, a few fleeting moments allowed me to get something. I usually sketch with a red light head torch for lighting. This time I hung it off the scope with the paper just beneath and with it shining brightly on the paper got the impression when I looked back in the scope each time that the planet was more of a blue/white colour and the darker features stood out a little more. Does anyone else find this? It seemed to help anyway.

After I'd done, around half an hour later, I popped the camera in to do a quick image to check what I'd seen. By and large pretty close. The camera picked up a little more but not that much. Most of the difference I think lies in my poor art skills. So it just shows how much you can see even on a poor night.



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15 minutes ago, globular said:

Nicely done :thumbright:

Cloud kept rolling past here and the jetstream forecast said it was right over head - so I didn't even set up. Kudos to you for making the effort. 

Thanks. I thought it worth the effort just in case things were better then predicted. We won't have too many more weeks before mars its back to being a tiny dot so I'm going to try get out as often as life permits. 😀

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Drawing is definitely more enjoyable.

Imaging is a bit of a hassle really. Yes you can get a very nice image at the end but that's not guaranteed and its a lot of work by comparison. Get the laptop out, connect it all up, mind the cables, find the planet, focus, mind the cables again, fiddle with settings, take your image run whilst keeping planet in field, mind the flipping cables. Then, when all that's done there's all the processing!

Drawing. Find pencil and paper, find planet, sit down and relax. Just wish my skills matched what I glimpse in the good bits. 

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