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Mars in dodgy seeing with ED150

Trevor N

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The seeing was not good here last night so pleased with the detail. Taken through a Skywatcher 150ED using an imaging source camera. I used a 5x powermate and manual RGB wheel. Nice to see a planet higher up in the sky from the UK !A13B6AE0-3F75-4C7A-A0A4-2AD046641E11.jpeg.ccd4ee38894e067a23d233ab14c2315f.jpeg

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Yes I was out last night and watched the image of Mars on my laptop screen 'shimmy' about. Haven't tried stacking any of my video clips yet but would be pleased to have something as good as Trevor achieved. It rained in Lowestoft in the afternoon and then cleared by 21:00. Usually this portends 'good seeing' but not last night.

Tonight there is cloud from horizon to horizon. So in bed.

Regards from George on the East Coast.

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Thanks for the comments. I had high hopes last night but the seeing was poor. I notice it most when trying to find a good reference frame for registax. Never mind. Better luck hopefully for all of us in the east next time !

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Good to see a 'frac image of Mars!

Yes, the seeing wasn't wonderful was it. I found there were the odd second or two of half decent seeing, but then the swimming pool effect set in and the image wobbled around for ten minutes or so.

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