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Veil nebula and M76

Cosmic Geoff

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On 14 Sept I tried EEVA imaging a number of planetary nebulae and other objects, with 102mm f5 achromat and ASI224MC camera on alt-az SLT mount & wood tripod.

Among the most interesting were M76 and part of the Veil nebula.  The Veil is just visible in the image.  Skies are Bortle 6 here.



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On 21/09/2020 at 19:16, Martin Meredith said:

What sorts of exposure times/sub lengths are you using? Maybe M76 will appear brighter with a lower white point?

M76 was live stacked with 16 frames x 5.04 sec exposure.

The Veil was live stacked with 18 frames x 11.5 sec exposure.

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