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AZ-EQ6 Pro dual scope - AZ align

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My apologies if this has been done to death before but I'm wondering what other AZ-EQ6 users do to align two OTAs in azimuth when using the mount in AZ mode - you know, a scope in each saddle?  The mount caters for altitude alignment using the small bolts on the secondary saddle but there's no provision for aligning in azimuth.  I thought about shimming the saddle/dovetail but it would be nice to have some way of adjusting the azimuth on the fly like you can in altitude.  

With the popularity of this mount, someone must have walked this path so I welcome your feedback.  The scope that will sit in the secondary saddle will typically be around 7 to 10 kg but could over time be anything up to recommended maximum (25kg per saddle I believe).  I mention this in case anyone recommends adding an alt-az adjustment device which might have a limited payload weight.

Other than this, I think the AZ-EQ6 is a cracking mount.  I'm visual-only these days and only use the mount in AZ mode.

Thanks in advance.


Edited by Steve Paterson
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I have had exactly this problem with my AZ-EQ6. See my pic below. It mystifies me why they'd allow a design of this sort without the ability to align two scopes: otherwise what's the point? As you say, in alt it's fine you have adjustments, but in az not so. I started off by shimming, but it was risky: I was all too aware that a bad fitment would send a scope crashing to the floor! So I got this:


... which works fine, but does flex a tiny bit and needs small adjustment at different angles for different altitudes when I inevitably overload it (that's a 300p and APM/LZOS 105!). But even with the flex it is immeasurably better than with just the supplied dual saddle.

Cheers, Magnus



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Thanks Magnus and for sharing the photo.  That looks a very nice set-up on the Berlebach Planet tripod plus a great sky.  I wonder if there's a similar product to the Baader tangent assembly because with a higher payload capacity because they quote this as 7kg max and I'm likely to go above that.  If you know of one then I'd like to hear about it.  I'll also do a search but wouldn't it just have been a complete job had Sky-Watcher provisioned for this?

I see you've also switched the main saddle and puck to the ADM version.  I've done the same and it's much better.  I find the bolt handles a little small to really clamp down so I bought this a few days ago and it's great!  Really clamps it down!


So a question to the floor - does anyone know of an alt-az adjustment device with a high payload capacity (say 10kg or above for a bit of latitude - pun intended ;) )

Edited by Steve Paterson
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May i ask you something about the setup-time of this mount?   I planned to buy this summer an eq6r.  I planned it in a time when i really was completely new to all this.    In the mean time the “to carry” equipment has become a bit heavier, and I’m still somewhere in the valley on my climb into this hobby, so my guess is that i will keep upgrading during this hobby.  Therefore i found out my chosen alt-az mount  is also getting outdated.   I’m getting very interested in this az-eg6. I just dont know how much it will effect the easiness of a grab and go setup.  Compared to the 3 minutes of mounting the scope and unleash the light with a grab and go, how long will it take to have this mount up and running?    Do you guys always use the electronics? And related to that, is it possible to open the clutch and just look around without first having to look at an orange screen? Thx for any advice.  

Oh and i meant of course just for the alt az settings!!

Edited by Robindonne
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On 04/08/2020 at 22:36, Robindonne said:

May i ask you something about the setup-time of this mount?   I planned to buy this summer an eq6r.  I planned it in a time when i really was completely new to all this.    In the mean time the “to carry” equipment has become a bit heavier, and I’m still somewhere in the valley on my climb into this hobby, so my guess is that i will keep upgrading during this hobby.  Therefore i found out my chosen alt-az mount  is also getting outdated.   I’m getting very interested in this az-eg6. I just dont know how much it will effect the easiness of a grab and go setup.  Compared to the 3 minutes of mounting the scope and unleash the light with a grab and go, how long will it take to have this mount up and running?    Do you guys always use the electronics? And related to that, is it possible to open the clutch and just look around without first having to look at an orange screen? Thx for any advice.  

Oh and i meant of course just for the alt az settings!!

Before I made a wheelie bar, my set-up time was probably around 5 minutes:  3 trips to carry it all out then a couple of minutes to setup and align.  Now that I have the wheelie bar, I wheel the mount, tripod, weights and OTA out all fully assembled so that has made it a wheel-and-go setup.  Ask yourself, do you have to carry it far, any steps to climb or obstacles?  The mount and tripod together weigh about 23kg and that's before the weights and OTA.

Software setup is easy - just turn on, choose AZ mode, key in the time, align and that's it.  It stores your lat/long and time zone but not the time - you have to key in the time each time.  Once aligned, you can loosen the clutches and point manually and it keeps alignment due to the dual-axis encoders - although I just find it easier just to use the handset.

It's a great AZ mount and there's not a lot of competition in that price bracket.  It's not perfect but good value for money I'd say.

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On 04/08/2020 at 22:36, Robindonne said:

...    Do you guys always use the electronics? And related to that, is it possible to open the clutch and just look around without first having to look at an orange screen?

yes you can open the clutches and freely move it around but it's not very satisfying or easy to fine-control, it's not designed to be used that way.

When I want to use it in purely manual mode, I use the controller, switch it on, quickly flick through all the settings without paying attention to anything, set the tracking mode (in "Setup Menu") to "no tracking", set the Slew Rate to a low number, say 4, and it's very satisfying to manually slew around that way.

Edited by Captain Magenta
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On 06/08/2020 at 10:25, Captain Magenta said:

When I want to use it in purely manual mode, I use the controller, switch it on, quickly flick through all the settings without paying attention to anything, set the tracking mode (in "Setup Menu") to "no tracking", set the Slew Rate to a low number, say 4, and it's very satisfying to manually slew around that way.

I'd forgotten about that so thanks for the reminder!  Handy for a quick blast to check on how bad the seeing is at present for Jupiter and Saturn :)

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  • 3 years later...

I know an old post, but never mentioned was the Optec Libra which I use.  It can handle up to 25lbs and is cheaper than an ADM Max Guider.

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