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Lobster's Claw, Bubble and Cave Nebulae


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Actually it's 5 targets in 1
The Lobster's Claw Nebula Sh2-157
The Bubble nebula NGC7635
The Cave Nebula Sh2-155
Open cluster NGC7654 or M52

Samyang 135mm @ F2.8
Atik460EX, Atik EFW2 and Baader filters
Taken from Bromley
Taken over 2 nights. July 2020

Ha 15 x 600 + 3 x 300
Oiii 9 x 300 binned
Sii 9 x 300 binned
RGB (for Stars) 3 x 150

Total imaging time almost 4 3/4 hours

Astrobin link:




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I attended a family wedding and stayed in Bromley, and have relatives there... The night was orange and LED white! Horrible... Horrible... Horrible... Horrible...

I'm looking to go from my Canon 450D modified to mono in Bortle 4 in Suffolk.... Where I am even Bortle 4 is a dark(ish) sky is a joy I'd struggle to live without. Any clear night I'll take a thirty minute walk with my dog and it is an absolute pleasure. Neowise beautifully clear naked eye on any recent cloudless night re-affirmed my choice to avoid any city hustle and bustle!


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