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Is it worth paying for it ?

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I think I paid £10 for SkySafari plus. It’s absolutely on the money with everything I’ve observed. Has great tools like observing lists too. Can’t fault it. It might even be half price right now. 

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19 minutes ago, IB20 said:

I think I paid £10 for SkySafari plus. It’s absolutely on the money with everything I’ve observed. Has great tools like observing lists too. Can’t fault it. It might even be half price right now. 

+1 for SS Plus as a mobile phone app. 

If you aren't sure whether you need SkySafari Pro, you *don't* need skysafari Pro 😉 

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23 minutes ago, IB20 said:

I think I paid £10 for SkySafari plus. It’s absolutely on the money with everything I’ve observed. Has great tools like observing lists too. Can’t fault it. It might even be half price right now. 


I think it's £6 just now, for the plus version.

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Another vote for the Plus version of SkySafari.

The free version is also fine, but I've been very impressed with how well SkySafari integrates with the SynScan app to extend wifi scope GoTo control into SkySafari. I can drive my whole observing session from my planned list, selecting each object in turn. SkySafari also gets position information back from Synscan and updates its chart with the scope direction in real time, it's beautifully put together. And you can seamlessly sync your observation notes to a free LiveSky account in the cloud. You need the Plus version for the scope integration but well worth it in my opinion. I'm on Android btw, I think I read there was some issue on iPhone that needed resolving.

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I've paid for the Pro version of SkySafari for both iOS and Mac - and I've not regretted it.  I have a Nexus II and encoders on order, and look forward to integrating "PushTo" on my AD10 and SSP.

They are both great programs.  Has more than enough data and targets for the rest of my life, LOL.

If you (not necessarily YOU OP, but anyone in general) are paying full price for any of the SkySafari products, you are doing it wrong - they are always going on sale - or at least that's what it seems like.

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