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Scenic Orion.

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Hell no we dont have any leccie up here.I photshopped those in using my bicycle powered generator.

We did have Britains first fast breeder reactor up here you know,but we had to get all you clever dudes from down south to show us retard choochters

how to wire up the plug. :hello2:

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Hell no we dont have any leccie up here.I photshopped those in using my bicycle powered generator.

We did have Britains first fast breeder reactor up here you know,but we had to get all you clever dudes from down south to show us retard choochters

how to wire up the plug. :hello2:

haha, nearly spilt my glass of water....'retard choochters' brilliant.

but seriously, do you guys have schools, or are all of you home schooled? :-)

i actually prefer the first pic, but im wierd...both are very nice.


an educatet southerner....

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school is where you get an edumacation, and get smarted...

it's dun me well good.

ah think its a skool of fish, yer rite.

how did you know that, have you guys just recieved the TV (its that box with moving pictures)

nice pixs stewart

Orkney,where i was born had its first TV in Oct 1955 and 1 year later the county had a massive 36 sets.The major complaint was picking up russian interference.

By 1959,the year i was born,Orkney had its own transmitter and a total of 2000 tv's which worked out at 1 in 4 housholds had 1.

A 17 inch set cost 67 guineas which was rather pricey indeed.

So thats how i know stuff :hello2:

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