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Jupiter (Post-Opposition) & Saturn | July 15th 2020


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We wanted to see opposition but didn't get it exact, as we wanted to also see the great red spot. Anyhow, we enjoyed a visual show last night around just after midnight and took a look at Jupiter in several instruments as seeing was supporting moderate image scales and our weather was ok (two lightning storms in two directions in the distance flashing at us, but our section of sky had some clearings enough to view between bands of clouds passing). We watched the rotation of Jupiter for about 2 hours visually and on camera from a 127mm Mak, 120mm refractor and 200mm newtonian. All gave great views with really bright obvious banding and could make out the great red spot pretty nicely. What a treat to look at the largest planetary cyclone storm and worse weather than Florida! Hah.


200mm F6 Newt

2.5x Meade Telenegative Amplifier

Astronomik R,G,B filters in ZWO filter wheel (manual)

ASI183MM camera (30 seconds per channel, that's it!)

And a little Saturn because it was there...


200mm F6 Newt

2.5x Meade Telenegative Amplifier

ASI224MC (undersampled color, was being lazy at the end)





Very best,

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50 minutes ago, MalVeauX said:

...and worse weather than Florida! Hah.

Try the U.K....especially the North !!

That's good detail with the 200mm.   Did you not fancy the 224mc on Jupiter ??  (faster frame rate etc)...or is there some horribly complex reason why not.


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