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Sh2-115 and Sh2-116 in Cygnus


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I managed to make use of the limited period of semi-darkness last Saturday (13th) to capture this image of Sh2-115 (main image) and Sh2-116 (planetary nebula PK 85+ 4.1), the small ball of nebulousness to the lower right.

This is a first posting of data using a 'new to me' Chroma filter set (thanks @Steve 1962), so this image was taken using a 3nm Hyd Alpha filter. Just 6 ten minute subs before the cloud came over at around 2:30am. Data captured using a 85mm refractor/mono CCD at 1.7"/pixel. Minimal processing in PI (DBE, MLT and some curves). Cal files need re-doing at some point😜

Hope to collect some OIII and RGB soonish.

CS, Andy


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