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Late spring collection M13, M61 with SN and Whale/Hockey stick


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Whilst I was out in the garden with my widefield set up imaging the NA neb and Pelican along with some binocular observing I had the observatory set up ticking away.  What a great spell of clear nights we had hear at the end of May.  The best I can recall.

M61 started as a half hearted attempt to capture the supernova but the more I gathered the more I liked it, so I ended up with 6 hours of luminence and 90 mins of binned data for each colour channel.  M13 was 2 hours unbinned for each channel with no lum.  Whale and hockey stick was 2 hours unbinned for each colour and 4 hours lum.

Scope: MN190

Camera: QSI 532 wsg

Baader LRGB filters.

Captured and calibrated with Maxim.  PI processing of linear data and finished in PS




Whale_and _Hockey_Stick_LRGB_3.jpg

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A really nice set of beautifully processed images Martin.  I agree with Steve that your M13 looks particularly stunning...

Congratulations also on getting Picture of the Month in the July edition of Astronomy Now with your rendition of Simeis 147.  That's a very special image and it's great to see it getting the recognition it deserves.

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1 hour ago, x6gas said:

A really nice set of beautifully processed images Martin.  I agree with Steve that your M13 looks particularly stunning...

Congratulations also on getting Picture of the Month in the July edition of Astronomy Now with your rendition of Simeis 147.  That's a very special image and it's great to see it getting the recognition it deserves.

Oh wow!  I didn't know this, my copy hasn't arrived yet.  A day or two after I posted the image to them I received the magazine and there was a Simeis 147 image in the gallery so I thought another one would have no chance of being published.  Well chuffed.  Thank you Ian.

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14 minutes ago, MartinB said:

Oh wow!  I didn't know this, my copy hasn't arrived yet.  A day or two after I posted the image to them I received the magazine and there was a Simeis 147 image in the gallery so I thought another one would have no chance of being published.  Well chuffed.  Thank you Ian.

Oh no - I'm so sorry!  I've robbed you that pleasure of opening the mag and seeing your own image peering back at you.  Should have put a spoiler alert!

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1 hour ago, x6gas said:

Oh no - I'm so sorry!  I've robbed you that pleasure of opening the mag and seeing your own image peering back at you.  Should have put a spoiler alert!

No  no, that's a great spoiler!

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