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Another mediocre M42


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My 1st attempt at M42 with the SC1 Toucam, fitted with Attik 0.5 reducer and Baader UV/IR Cut filter. Scope was my C80ed on a CG5GT, 30 x 20sec frames stacked in registax and processed in gimp.


(click to enlarge)

All comments / critism welcomed, thanks for looking...... :hello2:


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Nice one Gary

Great stuff fromt he Modded Toucam :hello2:

I suspect theres one or two rouge frames in there as if you look carefully you will see that tthe stars have a faint "echo" offset about 3 o'clock if you can find and remove these from the stack then the image will be a lot sharper.


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Thanks guys..... :-D

Craig, I could have went a it longer than 20secs but I figured that for M42 20secs was enough. I have some lx avi at 10 secs and 5 secs but haven't figured out how to process muliple avis yet.... lol.

I did some 40 secs of M31 but due to the moon it was too washed out to be of interest, on the up side it showed no trailing either.

Billy, thanks for the advice. I will look again at this and check to individual frames to see if I can find any carpy ones and reprocess.

Any advice on the best program to stack the avi's frames would be helpfull. I used registax as I cant figure out how k3 works, I cant seem to get an image in the 'result' file when finished, alhough the software does seem to be doing something???

Anyway, its a start and most enjoyable too, need to save up now for a 1000d..... :-D


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Thats right Billy, you get an avi with slow frame rate. There are a few frames that are carp. Been playing around with k3 again and just cant get it to process then show a result.

I think that there is a bit more to come from that image if I can get it through something other than registax.

Thanks for your help.


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Here is another go at processing, not sure which I like best. I find processing is way more difficult than shooting the image in the first place, but here it is anyway.....


(click to enlarge)

Thanks for looking....


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Thanks guys,

Billy, are the hot pixels the blue spots in the image? And if not what are they. How do I get rid of them??

Tom, yes that avi was shot last night at Harperigg so could have been better if there were no moon. I also tried some M31 but it was washed out.

Ian, thanks for that but I posted a querie in the imaging discussion section re this and SteveL came back with the same recomendation. The second version above was processed that way.

This processing carry on is going to be the end of me, driving me mad, lol. Such a lot to learn. Still, I at least have some avi's to play around with now.

Thanks again,


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Hi Gary,

The hot pixles are the trails of primary colours that are in the image... I dont know how successful taking a Dark "AVI" would be , record exposures the same as the lights but with the scope covered... and then use thes as the basis of some darks... failing that its a bit of retouching in GIMP...


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As it has been cloudy here for a few days I have benn fiddling around with my M42 avi again, boredom is a wonderful thing aint it?

Anyway here is the result, there is a bit more colour in it now.....


(click to enlarge)

I must stop playing with this now, lol.

Next time I have to get some darks as there were none used in the image.

Thanks for looking again..


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Thanks Billy, it looks better like that I think..... :-) You have reduced the amount of blue / violet in it and blackened the background, it was the background I was trying to blacken.

Please feel free to tinker with any image I post as I find processing very difficult and it is good to see what others can do.

Thanks again,


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