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Inferior conjunction of Venus

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That’s an incredible shot Mark, thanks for posting it up. Not something I would try I can imagine you do need to be incredibly careful and skilled even to image it, observing would seem to be quite crazy to attempt. I tried with binoculars whilst shielding the sun behind the house a few evenings back but gave that up as too risky too.

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6 minutes ago, Gina said:

The only safe way to try to image it would be with an Ha solar scope but it would still be very difficult I would think.

Gina I suppose you could take a long exposure using a Herschel Wedge. I guess you would need to use a goto system on your mount and try and make a judgement on exposure time. 

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I tried it yesterday (1st June) and could make Venus out with my Omegon RC8, 2x Barlow and ZWO ASI 290MM, obviously relying on the GOTO to get there. I briefly looked by eye, but the background sky was painfully white with the sun's glare, and couldn't see it visually.

It was shimmering like crazy in the heat, and I just couldn't focus on it for an image. I'm amazed how anyone can get a sharp image, however awesome their optics, during the heat of the day. How do they do it?

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