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Vamo or M2C?


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Hi all,

I have tried many different alt az mounts in the past and after PM chatting with Nicos about alt az mounts re DM4 or M2C + encoders, have come to the conclusion that I don’t need (in other words can’t afford!) the DM4. I would be using any mount with my Tak FC76 DCU[Q]. [I hardly use the FS60CB anymore!!]

If anyone has experience of both the Vamo traveller and the M2C, I would appreciate some feedback on which they feel might be better for my requirements. 
My bugbear with alt/az mounts is the need to rebalance when changing eyepieces. Which of the two is less sensitive to changes? Is the M2C much heavier than the Vamo? Which moves more smoothly when cranked tight enough not to slip?

I already have a Vamo and it is great, so light and portable, but should I get an M2C + encoders (I have a Nexus 1 already) or should I stick with the Vamo and get encoders for that instead?


Thanks in advance for any input on this,


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The Vamo is more known in Europe and the M2C in the USA, so it's a bitt of a challenge to find someone who has actually used both...


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Vamo works wonderfully when travelling. Packs down nicely and handles the Tak FC-100 DF easily. At home I prefer the AYO II we have as I use a 2" diagonal and eyepieces at home and often an 8" EdgeHD SCT on the other side.

it's not really a review, but here's how we travel...


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On 16/05/2020 at 13:35, Stargazer McCabe said:

Vamo works wonderfully when travelling. Packs down nicely and handles the Tak FC-100 DF easily. At home I prefer the AYO II we have as I use a 2" diagonal and eyepieces at home and often an 8" EdgeHD SCT on the other side.

it's not really a review, but here's how we travel...


It was this that made me think of encoders for the Vamo. It is a great mount and I probably need to give it a bit more time but I like the look of the M2C.

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  • 3 months later...

Just by way of reminder, proper balancing is the middle point between no eyepiece and heaviest eyepiece. You balance the scope there and add some tension and it will stay put. No need to lock the mount. 

So basically, with a half kilo eyepiece, you want the mount to be unbalanced 250 grams either way and a little tension on the mount takes care of this imbalance, yet still allows for smooth gliding.

I have used this mount repeatedly with a Tak FS102NSV and binoviewers to easily track the moon at 240x. 

While out in the field I use a bigger mount, when at home in my back yard exploring the moon, I have found that the Avalon T-Pod 90 paired with the M2C and its extension is absolutely fantastic to use. 

Usual caveat applies: A mount is only as good as the tripod its fitted on ...



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