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Asteroid (6) Hebe video

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I doubt this will interest many, but with a bit of mojo back and lots of moon and cloud about, imaging asteroids seems to be the way to go for me!!! 

I've documented quite a bit on my website about my asteroid imaging (https://www.swagastro.com/asteroids-and-me.html) Here is a short 1 minute of your life that you won't get back video (!!) of (6) Hebe. Very bright this one is, not surprising based on it's size.

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10 hours ago, Stargazer33 said:

Nice informative video Sara. 1 minute of my life well spent at the moment! 😊

Thanks! It's not exactly a pretty picture though that I prefer!! But needs must!

9 hours ago, Paul M said:

That's a good video. I enjoy tracking down asteroids, even if only with bins. I hope to do some imaging/time lapse some time too.

Ive got a few set up in the capture software to get.... when the cloud clears for more than a couple of minutes!!

8 hours ago, maw lod qan said:

Yes a very informative video. Thanks.

Glad you enjoyed it..... I like doing these.... something different to the norm and something that the moon doesn't affect too much, unless it's a really faint one.

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Good to see Sara, AP isn't just about the showpiece objects. Hope you are doing OK down in Spain.

This might be a good place to ask, is there an easy way of checking images for minor planets within the field of view? I must have captured all kinds of things over the years without realising it.

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2 hours ago, Knight of Clear Skies said:

Good to see Sara, AP isn't just about the showpiece objects. Hope you are doing OK down in Spain.

This might be a good place to ask, is there an easy way of checking images for minor planets within the field of view? I must have captured all kinds of things over the years without realising it.

All is good down here thanks, especially as we are finally allowed out for a walk and I can cycle outside. Who would have thought such simple things in life would make us so happy that we normally take for granted. 

I don't know about minor planets. With the asteroids I just put them all into CdC and then plan my imaging run to get them in the frame for 1.5 hrs. I guess if you know the designation of minor planets than you could check in a planetarium software to see if they were in your frame?

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Glad you're doing OK.

'Minor planets' is another term for small solar system bodies including asteroids. A bit archaic maybe, but the IAU still have a Minor Planets Centre which hands out the designations. I was hoping here might be something that would take and image and time, plate solve it, and tell me what's in the field of view.

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6 hours ago, Knight of Clear Skies said:

Good to see Sara, AP isn't just about the showpiece objects. Hope you are doing OK down in Spain.

This might be a good place to ask, is there an easy way of checking images for minor planets within the field of view? I must have captured all kinds of things over the years without realising it.

I use ASTAP https://www.hnsky.org/astap.htm#asteroid_annotation


If your image file has a reasonably correct fits header then ASTAP can both platesolve and highlight any asteroids that should be in the field of view.

It usually works in a couple of seconds.


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27 minutes ago, don4l said:

I use ASTAP https://www.hnsky.org/astap.htm#asteroid_annotation


If your image file has a reasonably correct fits header then ASTAP can both platesolve and highlight any asteroids that should be in the field of view.

It usually works in a couple of seconds.


Oooo, I'll give that link a go.... many thanks!!


** That's a shame it doesn't work for me....... I'm just downloading the long focal length database but I can't imagine that my scope at 1200mm and my camera would class as a long focal length..... I was really excited at the prospect of this working as well :( **


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31 minutes ago, swag72 said:

Oooo, I'll give that link a go.... many thanks!!


** That's a shame it doesn't work for me....... I'm just downloading the long focal length database but I can't imagine that my scope at 1200mm and my camera would class as a long focal length..... I was really excited at the prospect of this working as well :( **


The only extras that I have downloaded are the G17, Hyperleda and  asteroid files.  It all works for me at focal lengths from 375 (Tak 106 with FR) through to 2000mm (Tal200k).

If you want to put up a fits file, (or a link to one), (dark subtracted is helpful) then I'll happily have a play. 


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15 minutes ago, don4l said:

The only extras that I have downloaded are the G17, Hyperleda and  asteroid files.  It all works for me at focal lengths from 375 (Tak 106 with FR) through to 2000mm (Tal200k).

If you want to put up a fits file, (or a link to one), (dark subtracted is helpful) then I'll happily have a play. 


Thanks! I only loaded the G17 file..... I'll go and do the other two then and see if that sorts it 👍 BTW where is the asteroid files? I can't see them


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29 minutes ago, swag72 said:

Thanks! I only loaded the G17 file..... I'll go and do the other two then and see if that sorts it 👍 BTW where is the asteroid files? I can't see them


I've just checked.  I just used the database that was in my Cartes du Ciel.  If I remember correctly, I also had some issues finding the files, so I tried the CdC one and it works just fine.  Here is a screenshot.  If you click tools->Asteroid annotation you can just select the MPCORB.DAT.  It remembers it next time.

However, there is no point trying this until the platesolving side is working


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Thanks for that! Gotcha now on the asteroid annotation I was pointing to the downloaded G17 not the MPCORB.DAT. Looks like it's working now!!! Thanks very much for your help.

It works! It's a bit off and shows my asteroid to be in a slightly different place :) 

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