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Hello! Baader MkII Bino's are available...


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They do indeed Fozzie. I particularly like the look of the eyepiece clamps, a big improvement on the clamps on mine.

Unfortunately I got tired of waiting  for these to appear and upgraded my bino's last Autumn.

I do look forward to hearing the views on these  from buyers though.

Thanks for the alert.

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Oooh, they do look nice. Everything you would want from a binoviewers, including the Zeiss Bayonet fitting which is really useful to shorten the light path.

Very tempting.

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There is a review of the Orion Premium Linear BinoViewer in the May issue of Sky and Telescope. An interesting item as it fits any telescope that works with a normal 1 1/4" eyepiece without extras of any kind ( just more eyepieces!) , even low profile focussers.


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1 hour ago, Astrobits said:

There is a review of the Orion Premium Linear BinoViewer in the May issue of Sky and Telescope. An interesting item as it fits any telescope that works with a normal 1 1/4" eyepiece without extras of any kind ( just more eyepieces!) , even low profile focussers.


Hi Nigel,

Omegon also sells these as the 'Pro Triton' and both are on the Astroshop EU website.  I looked at them last year and they were immediately very appealing, but the reviews are not very good, seems they had some real problems with the beam splitting mechanism and the inner aperture is quite small, 19mm I think.

I'd be interested to hear if anyone on SGL has them, and what they reckon? I looked for the review on S&T but couldn't find it. What did S&T make of them?


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As the May issue of S & T is current I will not scan the article to post here. That said, I will try to give the flavour of the test report by Dennis di Cicco.

Overall I think he was impressed.

He tried it with the following telescopes:

2.4, 4 and 6 inch refractors

12" f/5 and 18" f/4 Dobsonians

8" and 16" Schmidt Cassegrains

6" f/12 Mak-cass

8"f/3 Newtonian

and with and without a coma corrector on the reflectors

"It worked well on all of them."

He also used a pair of 26mm Plossls with 2x, 3x and 5x barlows without any problem.

There were no back focus issues, and the field of view and faintest stars visible were the same as with the eyepiece alone.

His last paragraph :

"If you've ever wanted a binoviewer but were put off by the need for lots of back focus or the expense of sets of matched eyepieces, then now might be the time to consider the Orion BinoViewer. It certainly changed my concerns about these issues"

I expect the Orion web site to link to the S&T test report at some time, they'd be silly not to.




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