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2 galaxy trios


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Thankfully another brief clear spell opened up last night with above avg transparency for a bit. The 15" is just so much faster to set up, use and find objects than the 24" and as such was enlisted again. The 21E set the PCII and focuser, which was the locked and the 17.3 Delos and Docter 12.5mm UWA were the mainstays.

Before the trio report I must relate how NGC 2403 in Cam presented itself- a bright but delicate object with not just 2 spirals but others flicking in and out of view! this one is a great object to learn and spend time on IMHO. Just fantastic!

NGC 2769 is a nice "trio" of galaxies in UMa (theres 4 actually) and was one of my serious targets of the evening. The 17.3 Delos located the brightest member NGC 2769 and be danged if there wasn't another one or 2 flicking in and out- in with the Docter and all three showed in direct vision- NGC 2767 at 13.7 mag and NGC 2771 at 14 mag. I might have had a chance on mag 15.7 NGC 2762 with high power orthos but I wanted to continue on with other targets.

Off to NGC 3163- no issues here with the 17.3 Delos and again the Docter brought mag 14 NGC 3161 into view as well as mag 14.9 NGC 3159 into view for the second trio. Many other galaxies about in this area.

My Sky Commander list for the night was set to:M81,NGC 2403,M108,NGC 3756,NGC 3448,NGC 3180,NGC 2903,M66,NGC 3163,NGC 2841 and NGC 2769.

All were found with ease relatively speaking- no orthos required.

As we sit here doing our social distancing I sure hope the sky is clear, today looks very nice actually as I write. I'm not sure if its appropriate to write reports when so many cannot observe- if this is the case just let me know- no offense will be taken,

Clear Skies





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I'd say keep the reports coming anyone who can. I'd imagine we all find some relief in reading these observing reports, no matter what anyone has seen with naked eye, bins or a big scope. I'm hoping to get out soon, the commander is hinting she will release me from domestic duties for a night if I am back before dawn. I've a few new EPs (10mm BCO en route!) and of course the SQM-L meter to test out before we lose true darkness for the year. 

As always, I will shamelessly copy the list of UMa galaxies you mention above and see what I can tease out 👀 

Time here has been limited to work on much of a list recently, so this is always helpful.

I've had a pretty good go with the brighter Leo galaxies serveral times this year, and have identified all but three lone rangers in the Leo area listed in the S&T pocket atlas from my 'so-so' dark site with the 300p/500p, plus a very small handful of the fainter ones listed on Stellarium and Uranometria which I failed to identify at the time (didn't show on S&T, but were quite faint). 

I'll be opening Stellarium soon to start an end of season list, hoping to have a nice happy Synscan alignment soon and get back to business.

That's one vote from me to keep the reports coming when possible.




Edited by Ships and Stars
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20 minutes ago, Ships and Stars said:

I'll be opening Stellarium soon to start an end of season list, hoping to have a nice happy Synscan alignment soon and get back to business.

Thanks S&S, we'll see how  it goes- one thing- I'm going to observe as much as circumstance allows and right now galaxies are the top priority. The list is an easy one with a few of the "associates" a bit harder. I do like the SC list as it pre plans my observing session and with targets in an order (close) where the SC maintains extreme accuracy, using the re align on object feature ( a third, close reference input).

I hope you can observe soon!

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Please do keep the reports coming as they are always an enjoyable read.

Work restricts my time and I am sure many other also at the moment, so it is always nice to read up on what others are doing. To refer to in future to compare observations if nothing else.

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Hi Gerry,

Please do keep reporting. We all need distractions from the current situation in order to maintain our mental health, which contributes to a better functioning immune system and therefore reduces our chances of transmitting infection :)

Now with flights cancelled, I'm 'stuck' back here in Scotland and couldn't return to my work in Saudi Arabia. One has to try and see a kind of silver lining I suppose. Only problem... most of my astro gear and all my imaging stuff is over there in Saudi. Actually I do have a 5" refractor up in the attic, which I've not really used yet, which was waiting for my final return from Saudi. Although not in your big scope league, I will try and get it up and running for visual use.

Clear skies,


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1 hour ago, Silent Running said:

Although not in your big scope league, I will try and get it up and running for visual use.

Thanks to you and all for the support on reporting, I'll keep writing them given clear skies.

I observe with everything from MK1 eyeballs, to the H130 to the bigger scopes- it doesn't matter what scope it is as long as your enjoying being out there IMHO. The other night I did some lawn chair observing of naked eye DSO and also studied the constellations.

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Glad you ate getting out Gerry, always enjoy reading your reports.

The forecast looks promising for the next few days so I should be able to get out there too. Am working from home now for at least three weeks which is good.

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1 hour ago, Stu said:

Glad you ate getting out Gerry, always enjoy reading your reports.

The forecast looks promising for the next few days so I should be able to get out there too. Am working from home now for at least three weeks which is good.

Eagerly waiting reports Stu!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Keep ‘em coming. As others say, we need normality and distractions right now. Mag 13 to 15 galaxy bagging is amazing! My 10" - if I take it for a drive into the country side - puts the very bottom of this range barely in reach by a fingernail width, and only when the surface brightness is favourable, e.g. edge on, or with condensed cores. It’s great to hear of your experiences with large scopes and dark skies.

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