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24 Panel Mosaic


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This is my third mosaic (5th attempt - first two had gaping holes), and things are definitely getting easier with practice.  I discovered the "take a snapshot" button in Sharpcap and thought that I could build up a quick mosaic as I went along.  This turned out to be much easier to do than I thought.  The workflow was 1) take snapshot, 2)start capture 3)Open snapshot as new layer in Gimp and quickly line it up, 4)move mount and repeat.

This resulted in a mosaic that needed 24 frames as opposed to the 32 that my last mosaic needed.  I think that I could get this down even further if I try.

One weird thing is that I had to refocus during the capture.  I prefer to leave everything the same because it greatly reduces the processing.  I haven't had to adjust the brightness .

The image was taken through a Tal200k, ASI120mc on an EQ6.  Acquisition was with Sharpcak.  Stacking and wavelets in Registax6.  Mosaic assembly in Gimp.

Comments and suggestions very welcome.  The suggestions that I got on the previous images have been brilliant and really helped. 

I still don't understand what the Gain and Brightness settings really do.  I think that it would be good to capture some of the "Earthshine", but I cannot see any hint of the unlit part of the Moon even when I change the settings.

Click the image for full size (18Mb).


Edited by don4l
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Great job Donal,

You're definitely getting the process nailed down and the final result is excellent. Building the mosaic on the fly with quick screen captures is a great way to go. Interesting that you took Autostakkert out of the mix as in my experience that generally produces a better stack than Registax, so what was your thinking there?

At full resolution I can see one fairly long horizontal seam to the north of Mare Serenitatis heading towards Plato, i.e. towards the bottom of your image as you've presented it, so don't know if you had a small capture miss there, or whether it's a blending issue that you can fix. Other than that very minor blemish this is a superb image, very well done :thumbright:

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13 hours ago, geoflewis said:

Great job Donal,

You're definitely getting the process nailed down and the final result is excellent. Building the mosaic on the fly with quick screen captures is a great way to go. Interesting that you took Autostakkert out of the mix as in my experience that generally produces a better stack than Registax, so what was your thinking there?

At full resolution I can see one fairly long horizontal seam to the north of Mare Serenitatis heading towards Plato, i.e. towards the bottom of your image as you've presented it, so don't know if you had a small capture miss there, or whether it's a blending issue that you can fix. Other than that very minor blemish this is a superb image, very well done :thumbright:

I didn't consciously take AutoStakkert out.  I processed a single AVI in Registax and was impressed with the result, so I just carried on with the rest.  Tomorrow, I'll do some experiments to see what produces the best result.  I'm also going to play with the number of frames used in each panel.

I've cropped a frame to remove a horizantal line which was at the bottom edge of one of the frames.   (There isn't any "blending" as such. The layers are just on top of each other.)

I *think* that I've fixed it in this???


Edited by don4l
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14 hours ago, CraigT82 said:

Superb! Have you tried msice for the mosaic stitching? So easy to use and all automated. Think of gain as ISO, increases sensitivity but with more noise

May I ask a supplementary question here - if Gain ~ ISO, what's Offset?

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