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First Attempt At Deep Sky Imaging- Orion


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We all have to begin somewhere. I do a great deal of Landscape Photography and some Lunar. But, have not done any Deep Sky photography until a few nights ago. 

I have been practicing aligning my mount an AVX for weeks and finally decided to try some imaging. Orion Nebula: Scope Stellarvue 80 mm Triple ED APO. Camera: Nikon D800E. Stacked and processed in photoshop. I can see the sensor has a significant cutoff as the color Red is subdued. 




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8 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

A great first image, and the Running Man is there.

How many light frames did you stack? Any reason why not trying to stack say using deep sky stacker?

I stacked 10 light frames. I decided to use Photoshop because I have been watching Trevor Joneses training videos on Photoshop. As for Deep Sky Stacker... I cannot run it on this older Mac-Pro which is religated to El Capatin 10.11.6

Thanks for stopping by and your comments.



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Well, I imagine there are plenty of solutions for stacking. I would like to see One Program accomplish it all. I use Adobe for all my terrestrial imaging and enjoy how it all integrates seamlessly. It would be good if someone would  build an application that Stacks, Edits and finalizes compiled images, that type of workflow is essential. 



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Hi Fotografo

we all have to start somewhere, and this is better than my first attempts! 

If I was to offer any advice, make sure you double/tripe check the focus.

If you don’t own a bahtinov mask, buy one or make one, zoom right in to a bright star and spend a bit of time making sure that focus is as tight as you can get it. 

Thanks for sharing, looking forward to many more images! 

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2 hours ago, assouptro said:

Hi Fotografo

we all have to start somewhere, and this is better than my first attempts! 

If I was to offer any advice, make sure you double/tripe check the focus.

If you don’t own a bahtinov mask, buy one or make one, zoom right in to a bright star and spend a bit of time making sure that focus is as tight as you can get it. 

Thanks for sharing, looking forward to many more images! 



I do have a Bahtinov and use it. I would think that having an Stepper Motor Autofocuser would be beneficial as the focus can change with temperture.   At some point, I will probably begin to study those that are on the market. 

Tnx for your tips. 

Alwasy Forward.  Don

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The only software I know of that does it all in one package is PixInsight.  Costs money but has a free trial period.  Not that that is long enough to learn very much about it.  It has a steep learning curve but there are tutorials on the net and I recommend the book "Inside PixInsight"  Second Edition.  Compared with the cost of hardware, PixInsight and the book aren't much.

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5 hours ago, Gina said:

The only software I know of that does it all in one package is PixInsight.  Costs money but has a free trial period.  Not that that is long enough to learn very much about it.  It has a steep learning curve but there are tutorials on the net and I recommend the book "Inside PixInsight"  Second Edition.  Compared with the cost of hardware, PixInsight and the book aren't much.


I have heard a number of astronomers commenting on this program. As for the cost, that is very affordable. 



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