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ngc 2841 and distant friends


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Ngc 2841 is an unbarred spiral galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major. Its distance is approximately 46 Mly. It is a flocculent galaxy with discontinuous arms
Ngc 2841 has an extended, very weak outer halo that needs long integration times to reveal.
The small galaxy in the lower left is pgc 26572 (MCG+09-16-008), at a distance of approximately 140 Mly
Towards the upper right corner there are a few small galaxies which are at a distance of 830 - 850 Mly.


A reprocess, with a less red in the galaxy and better star control


Acquisition details:

Skywatcher MN190 on SW AZ-EQ6 mount

Camera ZWO ASI174MM-Cool with ZWO filters (LRGB) and ZWO off axis guider

  • L: 104 x 2 min
  • R: 40 x 4 min
  • G: 35 x 4 min
  • B: 35 x 4 min

Total integration time 648 minutes (10.8 hours) collected over 2 nights

Processed in PixInsight.

Inverted luminance with rgb insert. This image shows the weak extension of the main galaxy


The dark patch in the upper right corner is the reflection of a bright star (magnitude 6.5) just outside the field of view.

Edited by wimvb
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5 minutes ago, gorann said:

That galaxy is a real beauty!

PS. Is the reddish colour due to distance and red shift?

Thanks,, Göran.

The reddish colour is a combination of old stars with interspersed Ha regions near the core, PixInsight's colour calibration and my processing (arcsinh stretch intensifies colour). I have seen all kinds of colour combinations in this galaxy, from blue to red. 

But if this colour scheme can become an APOD, I can't be too far off.


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3 minutes ago, wimvb said:

Thanks,, Göran.

The reddish colour is a combination of old stars with interspersed Ha regions near the core, PixInsight's colour calibration and my processing (arcsinh stretch intensifies colour). I have seen all kinds of colour combinations in this galaxy, from blue to red. 

But if this colour scheme can become an APOD, I can't be too far off.


and I see an APOD by Robert Gendler from Hubble and Subaru data.

Edited by gorann
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4 minutes ago, Xplode said:

Nice galaxy and nice image, you got a few hundrex galaxies in this image!

I think that most of the smaller specks are indeed galaxies rather than stars.I haven't checked all the details yet, but some of the named galaxies in this image are 850 Mly away. I think that if I check some of the others, they will be more than a billion light years away.

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1 minute ago, wimvb said:

I think that most of the smaller specks are indeed galaxies rather than stars.I haven't checked all the details yet, but some of the named galaxies in this image are 850 Mly away. I think that if I check some of the others, they will be more than a billion light years away.

They are!
A few years ago when i imaged M51 at 1120mm-f/3.8 with a full frame camera i found like 4000 faint galaxies, some of them were as far away as 2 billions lightyears.

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16 minutes ago, Xplode said:

They are!
A few years ago when i imaged M51 at 1120mm-f/3.8 with a full frame camera i found like 4000 faint galaxies, some of them were as far away as 2 billions lightyears.

I will do some research. My previous image had a galaxy cluster that is 5 600 Mly distant. Light that left those galaxies has travelled longer than 1/3 of the age of the universe.

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9 hours ago, wimvb said:

off axis guider


Great shot.

Thinking about having a go with our 10" reflector. Did you have any problems finding an oag guide star? It looks pretty sparse in stars over there. 

Cheers and clear skies.

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27 minutes ago, alacant said:


Great shot.

Thinking about having a go with our 10" reflector. Did you have any problems finding an oag guide star? It looks pretty sparse in stars over there. 

Cheers and clear skies.


So far, I've never had a problem finding a guide star. I use the ASI120MM-S as a guide camera. Normally I bin this 2x2, but for some reason, it was set to 1x1 with this image.

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You got a lot of detail there! Looks wonderful Wim. Seems like there is no need to pull one's hair if the RMS swings, as you see. 

Stars are tight, but some has turquoise cast, I wonder what causes it. Also on my mac screen the image shows some green in the background, more noticeable to the right of the galaxy. 


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