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M94 with ASI6200 (Updated to 6 hours imaging time)


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M94 is a galaxy i've never imaged before, i really like how it looks because of the dark ring and then a halo outside it so i decided to have a go a couple nights ago.
There's 2 version here, the bottom version has 2 hours of data and the top version has 6 hours of data.

Mount 10 Micron GM2000
Telescope TOA150B with 645 flattener


L 100x120s
R 30x120s
G 27x120s
B 26x120s

Total time 6 hours
Imaged from Askvang Observatory owned by Tommy Linnerud


I'm not fully happy with the core of the galaxy since it's a little burned out, but i was better to leave it like this than make it weird looking by trying to darken/desaturate it.
Stars are not perfect either :(


Thanks for any comments :)

This is the new version.
I also added an annotated version where a few of the background galaxies have been marked, there's probably a few thousand more which are just faint spots, PI found over 3000 galaxies in this FOV when i limited the magnitude to 20, there's still faint spots which aren't annoted :S


Please check the full version, do take note that the full version is half the resolution of the original image.






Here's the old version with just 2 hours of data.

L 17x120s
R 16x120s
G 10x120s
B 17x120s




Edited by Xplode
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Despite forecasted clouds tonight skies were actually clear so i managed to get 4 more hours of data, pretty happy with the improvement!
The ring around the galaxy is brighter, better colors and lots more background galaxies are visible.

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