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Dr Becky Feb 19 2020 - Starlink controversy


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I’m glad to see Dr Becky mentioning the 60000 communication satellites being launched by Elon Musk’s SpaceX corporation in her latest Youtube video. 


She said the RAS and the American equivalent had had a conference with SpaceX and others to express the concerns about the impact on professional astronomers. Obviously to amateurs like us it also has a major impact - when the clouds finally do part to reveal the night sky.

I don’t believe that the StarLink ( or other similar systems) will bring “free internet” to the entire world as somebody must have to pay for the system. When you see the mesh of satellites it is frightening. Skynet (Terminator) springs to mind!

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It is wrong and immoral that one man's greed and contempt for others can probably destroy a science/ hobby and pleasure for the rest of humanity. 

The American  government should stop him! 

Personally I hope he goes bust. 


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Scary video that helps to visualise just how many satellites are scheduled to be launched over the next 10 years or so (or rather those that have had licences to launch applied for). As is explained in the video, not all may happen for various reasons but there is also concern for unannounced plans that Chinese companies may have...

Don't watch if SpaceX's recent activities are too much for you 🥴




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Being an Astrophotographer, I can see the issues posed by such satellites.

However, in practice, the video does not show the relative size of the satellites to Earth. Earth is quite large and yes, we will see Satellites passing by in our subs but will it really be a mess up there? If I had 30 subs and 10 showed satellites then yes, I will be mift, but if, at 2am, I am only seeing 1 satellite in 30 subs, so what!

My point is, yes, the satellites could be painted black to stop the light reflection and this is poor design by the immaturity of companies excited by the wow factor of yeah mummy, look at me, I'm working on satellites!! factor. But one has to realize that this is a world problem and it will be very difficult as an individual to stop this happening. Just look for a work around! 

I read recently that someone in Derbyshire saw the trail of SpaceX satellites passing over head in a train formation. realistically, its no different to a aeroplane passing over the camera while imaging. Deal with it!  

When it becomes a problem, I will start to complain. I will even write to the satellite companies. But at the moment, I don't see the problem apart from the shinny boxes that should be painted black!! When the satellite companies grow up, wake up and show some initiative and consideration for others. That day will come.

At the moment, I will just find work arounds.

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