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Scope cover needed!

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Hi guys, I am moving to Australia in October but in the mean time I will be storing my telescope at my brothers.

He doesn't have the space indoors so I am looking for an all weather cover for a Orion Europa 10" F4.8 on an NEQ6 Pro.

It would need to withstand the rain of course and direct sunlight, I don't care how much it costs!

Any ideas guys? Also is it generally ok to leave a scope outdoors in the UK weather? It's spent most of it's life comfortable in a storage cupboard.


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Awesome guys! That's kinda what I'm looking for, a cover that I can just throw over the scope and mount without having to worry about it at all.


Which one do you guys recommend for a 10" NEQ6 mounted newt, f 4.8? REckon the 10" dob cover would suffice?

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Don't skimp on the quality of the cover. I think This would cover your 'scope on an NEQ6 mount. The odd shape of an EQ mounted 'scope requires a rather big cover. I don't see a specific 10" Newtonian cover so looked at a SCT with a long enough top length.

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I bought one of these intending to use it for a telescope, instead it got co-opted for its designed purpose to hold two wheelie bins which is about it's size.  They have a built in floor and your brother could use it for his bins once your scope has finished with it.  It's been in the garden for the last three years and I've never seen a trace of rain inside.  You can also get from Amazon and ebay - mine came from the latter.


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Regarding scope covers I recently bought this from amazon. It's huge, too big really, but works rather well for an emergency cover for fully setup mount + scope. Just use a few bungee cords to hold it in place. It will cover my az-eq6 with height extension + rasa + me underneath too 🙂 


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Yes, many patio furniture covers are well up to spec if you pick the right ones - the ones for stacks of chairs as above would be a good shape and size.  I've got a chimnea cover over my Dob - though not outside, but again you can get really good quality versions of those as well.

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