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IC 410 - The Tadpole Nebula


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Following on from my previous post, another hard fought battle to get enough subs to make an effort producing something this year. Anyway, my attempt at the Tadpole Nebula. Found this one a challenge to process and kept starting again. Couldn't decide on the best way to process the stars; processed starless stacks and tried reintroducing then through a Ha Luminance layer or adding a star layer but wasn't happy with either so settled upon leaving them in and masking them whilst doing the stretch. Forgot to say on the last post, stacked and pre-processed in APP and processed in PS CS5.


Ha - 82 x 3 min

Sii - 62 x 3 min

Oiii - 38 x 3 min

Total - 9 hrs 6 mins

Gain 300 Offset 20

Thanks for looking.



Tad  Net.jpg

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10 hours ago, sloz1664 said:

Another fine image David. The cloud Gods have been favourable.


Thanks Steve. They were generous in providing a few hours here or there, if I'd been good which cant have been that often. 🤣

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