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Spacing Atik 314 to an ED80 with Reducer


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I could do with a bit of guidance on spacing please, after looking here:


I see the recommendation is:

0.85 reducer --> M4/T2 --> 11mm --> T2/M54 --> EFW2 --> Atik 314L+

I currently have (see pic)

0.85 reducer --> Adaptor --> EFW2 --> Atik 314L

I have no problem focussing with a Bahtinov mask but don't know what the effect is of having replaced the bits between the focal reducer and EFW with the adaptor I just happened to have lying around. I've never really thought about it until now!

Note I'm also using the 314L not the +, I am assuming they have the same spacing



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I use the same reducer on my ED80 with both a Canon 70D and an Atik 414ex-osc.

This is what works for me and why:

When using a Canon 70D the EoS adapter sets the distance from the reducer end face to the sensor at 55mm


So I use spacers to create the same spacing when using the Atik414ex-osc - so B-D on the photo below needs to be 55mm


If you're using a mono with filters the spacing will increase slightly.

Others may have different advice to offer but the above works for me. I am able to achieve good focus and no odd shaped stars.



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Thanks, I guess my query is, if I'm achieving focus does anything need to change?

What are the corner stars like in your images.  If they are perfectly round you have the spacing right, if they are elongated then the spacing is not right.


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1 hour ago, JSeaman said:

if I'm achieving focus does anything need to change?

I agree with Carole. I was often asked why I used the flattener at all; you might argue it is not required for a camera with a chip size of the 314 (or 414 in my case). It was easier for me to leave it in place in case I ever wanted to switch to the 70D.

Why not try it without and see how you get on?


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I bought it for use with a 70D coincidentally, now I have moved ot the Atik I considered removing it actually.

My stars are quite blobby everywhere in the image but no worse in the corners so guess I'm OK 

Thank you all

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39 minutes ago, JSeaman said:

My stars are quite blobby everywhere in the image but no worse in the corners

Just for comparison this is M81-M82 I took back in Feb 2017 just after I got the 414ex-osc using my ED80DS-Pro on an NEQ6. I think the focus could have been better but at the time I was still learning how to focus correctly with the software I was using at the time.


This was processed in DSS and CS6 - well before I started using PI.

One of these days (cloudy nights) I should revisit my early images and reprocess them.

Hope this is of interest.

Good luck.

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