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Advice welcome for newbie w/ Sky-Watcher AZ-1

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Managed to get this Telescope as my first (second-hand for £40, hardly used). Just wondering best objects to aim to see (I got a cheap moon filter which is all I have really had a chance to spot in the night sky so far).

Hoping as the hobby goes to invest in a more expensive one (any thoughts on next step up also welcome).

I have only had a few goes with it so far and found the Azimuth mount to be easy to use, but there is a metal rod which you can turn to slightly alter (don't think this is moving across the equatorial) however you can only turn it so far before the thread at the top falls out (is that normal?).

Any other random tips also welcome!


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Hi that long bolt is for latitude your need about 51 degs but if you Google your location  it will tell what you need but I think your need to keep adjusting to get scope at the angles you need for different object's

It's not a EQ mount so all tracking will have to be done my hand eye 

As for upgrade that depends on how much you want to spend and type dobs gives you a big aperture for price 

Reflector telescopes are nice on an EQ mount , there is also go-to telescope but all will need a better eyepieces than they came with plossl or super plossl  take a look in FLO link is in the page header there is 2 of many different types



Edited by Neil H
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Welcome to the forum!

I'd suggest downloading a copy of the free Stellarium software. Try looking for the Orion Nebula (M42), Andromeda galaxy (M31) & the Double Cluster... Don't expect to see as much detail as folks get with taking pictures though.

I also find a pair of binoculars (10x50 or 8x42) & a pocket sky atlas useful too...


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It's a starter scope but u can see some stuff like up about said

Theres also several other decent bright stuff to look at 

In the west sky that bright star is venus try that 

I recommend getting the book called night watch besides being good it has 20 charts of the best 200 items in sky.also get a planisphere with the book and your set 


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Learn the sky by using a planisphere and picking the constellations out, start with the brightest one`s you can see,remember the brightest stars name, it takes time but do now and later you will find it very easy to read atlases and aligning your scope . But most of all ENJOY Yourself.Des

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