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Berkeley clusters in Monoceros

Martin Meredith

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First session of 2020! Due to the appearance of high cloud I decided to observe open clusters rather than fainter objects tonight. I've always enjoyed looking at members of the Berkeley catalogue of open clusters. These are some of the oldest clusters known. They are generally quite compact but can be rich and with a warm red-yellow hue (presumably due to distance).

There are 12 Berkeley open clusters in Monoceros and my plan was to observe and compare them all, but the cold got the better of me and I only managed to observe 10 and a half (the latter being a little too low to get a successful image). Here they are in all their understated glory. Note that many are off centre. See if you can spot them -- they're not always very obvious.

I used 15s subs in all cases. These are all a mix of L R G B filters, live combined with Jocular at the scope using LAB colour space. All are snapshots at the tool with no offline processing. I may have oversaturated some of them. They were mainly in the range 25-35 deg above the horizon at the point of capture.

Thanks for looking















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Thanks Mike. I don't find some of them very easy to find even with EEVA techniques... I've just cross-compared with DSS2 and labelled mono inverted versions of these images, including Berkeley 39 which I didn't include above for some reason (for this one and Berkeley 77 I was shooting thru the leaves of a bay tree...). They don't really need these long exposures. These are longish because I was collecting RGB too.

Prize for the most distant here goes to Berkeley 26 at over 41000 Lys (the 7th most distant cluster I can find), while the oldest is Berkeley 39 at nearly 8 billion years (the 8th oldest cluster I have data for).

There are 104 Berkeley OCs so feasible to check them all out. They're mainly high declination (the ones in Monoceros are some of the lowest). The lowest is Berkeley 75 in CMA at -23° 59 48.1. They're also fairly small with apparent diameters mainly under 10' (just 5 are larger, largest Berkeley 53 at 22'). All good for the small Lodestar sensor for my scope.

There are 18 in CAS so that might be the next place to observe.













The arrow points to an almost perfect circle of stars at the edge of the cluster which was very apparent when watching the subs coming in.














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Excellent presentation Martin. I always enjoy a posting when an effort is made to give some extra information. Never quite see the point of "here is another picture of ????"

Must turn the Dob onto these guys sometime. Sometime last year I observed Berk 58, 4, 62, and 65 (faint fuzz), in Cass with the 15" Dob so I will be interested in what you are able to pick up. No records for the Monoceros Berkeley Clusters. Mike

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On 29/01/2020 at 13:59, Mike JW said:

Excellent presentation Martin. I always enjoy a posting when an effort is made to give some extra information. Never quite see the point of "here is another picture of ????"

Must turn the Dob onto these guys sometime. Sometime last year I observed Berk 58, 4, 62, and 65 (faint fuzz), in Cass with the 15" Dob so I will be interested in what you are able to pick up. No records for the Monoceros Berkeley Clusters. Mike

Thanks Mike. I agree, it is always good to see some details of the objects themselves (as opposed to the kit used to observe them).

Before you turn the dob on to the Berkeleys, it is worth checking out the latest information on cluster parameters and existence in this Vizier table: https://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/VizieR?-source=J/A%2BA/618/A93 based on a 2018 article. There are 88 Berkeleys listed which I think suggests the rest were regarded as non-detected (and possibly not real?). Amongst those not listed that I show above is Berkeley 26, and looking at my inverted figure it is easy to see that this might not be more than a chance grouping. The table also gives updated membership numbers and distance estimates which I think can be considered as better estimates than the figures I quote on the plots. Generally, N is quite a bit higher.


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At the risk of the title of this thread not quite representing its contents (these are no longer in MON), I've decided to post some additional Berkeleys here rather than generate a new thread for each session.

These are all in the Cepheus/Cassiopeia region from 2 nights ago. Forecast is good for tonight too so I may continue on this quest in spite of the bright moon. Each plot shows the most recent data I could find on age/distance/number of members. I'm querying age data on some of them as it seems very much at odds with the others, but it might be correct.

As you can see, the majority of these would be quite hard to spot! I'm very much relying on the GAIA data to help here. The Berkeleys are rather faint 
























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Thanks Mike, Michael & Rob. For me the almost the best bit is checking out to see what I can find about these clusters afterwards (even if it turns out their existence is questionable!).

Here are 10 more, including Berkeley 64 which some sources regard as non-existent but for which there is a candidate close by, as marked.






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