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Just a quick post to say how much I'm enjoying this hobby


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I just had to share this. After weeks of crappy weather, I was looking forward to getting some XT8 time tonight. I had a bad bad week at work, difficult work and stupid client and many late nights...then a 2 hour commute home on Friday night had me walking through the door exhausted, brain dead and irritated. 

But 3 hours outside, looking at the moon, at Uranus, M42 and other beauties just washed that all away entirely. It was the PERFECT antidote to the crappy week. I love being outside alone, just gazing up and star hopping, alone with my own thoughts. Astronomy is really the perfect, relaxing hobby. I wish I hadn't waited 44 years to get a telescope! 

This and cooking are now my two favorite things to do..well, at least to do alone.  Thanks for reading. Sorry for the pretty pointless post. 

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No reason to ever say sorry ! This is what amateur astronomy has been all about and why i have stressed so strongly not to spend all your time just imaging ! This is the most rewarding part of viewing is relaxing and enjoying the mighty wonders of the night sky . Clear Skies and have more view time ! 

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It really was wonderfully relaxing. As for imaging. No chance of that with a non motorized XT8! 

Even seeing Uranus as a disc filled me with wonder tonight. 

So awesome. I love my XT8 so much.  I just wish I had a single friend or acquaintance that carex...

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I can highly recommend joining an amateur astronomy group (there must be one in your region ?), just like that i've got a whole group of like minded friends to share the experience with.

Since i've started the hobby at the end of 2017 every single amateur astronomer i've met, be it here, on a Facebook group or in real life at a star party has proven to be a kind, helpful, supporting,... just great person.

Clear skies !

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Great post. It's nice to be reminded. Friends might not care (mine used to listen politely) and that's why this forum is so good. This is where we share experiences. When you say you looked at Uranus, we all know that feeling of awe, peace and excitement of looking at a tiny featureless dot.

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7 hours ago, Miguel1983 said:

I can highly recommend joining an amateur astronomy group (there must be one in your region ?), just like that i've got a whole group of like minded friends to share the experience with.

Since i've started the hobby at the end of 2017 every single amateur astronomer i've met, be it here, on a Facebook group or in real life at a star party has proven to be a kind, helpful, supporting,... just great person.

Clear skies !

Yes, there is one in Croydon. There used to be one in Biggin Hill, where I live, but that is no more. I should definitely join, you are right.



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6 hours ago, domstar said:

Great post. It's nice to be reminded. Friends might not care (mine used to listen politely) and that's why this forum is so good. This is where we share experiences. When you say you looked at Uranus, we all know that feeling of awe, peace and excitement of looking at a tiny featureless dot.

Agreed...Uranus was just a pale green circle. Definitely a disc, but my wife was not impressed...I could have looked at it for hours. 

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20 hours ago, MKHACHFE said:

This and cooking are now my two favorite things to do..well, at least to do alone.  Thanks for reading. Sorry for the pretty pointless post. 

A clear night at a dark site with a flask of home made soup, could be heaven. 

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