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Having a nightmare with cameras - anyone help?


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I've got a permanent set-up.  Usually consists of 2 atik 460 cameras (one mono and one colour) on 2 refractors (one guiding the other) and a C11 with an asi for lunar planetary.

I use maxim v5.  I sometimes have the usually 'camera not found error' but a unplug/replug or restart sorts it out.

The last time out a few weeks ago I removed one 460 and replaced it with an asi1600 for spectroscopy all worked fine.

But not yesterday/today.  

Yesterday it would sometimes find the 460, but wouldn't switch on cooler, and if I tried an exposure it would get to downloading and hang.  I switched cables, even switched out the other 460 and same errors.  I've plugged in to different power and different usb hubs.

I brought in the camera and got it working with my laptop, so it doesn't look like its the cameras.

I've removed all the atik drivers and reinstalled, but although the 460 is showing up in device manager it is not found by maxim or sharpcap with either the atik driver for maxim or the ascom driver for either.

I'm stumped!!

Any ideas??



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11 minutes ago, Helen said:

Yesterday it would sometimes find the 460, but wouldn't switch on cooler

Hi Helen,

Not sure I can answer your question but yesterday I used my Atik414ex-osc with SGPro for the first time in some months and also had problems with cooling and image acquisition. In fact the cooler just went off on one and took the camera down to -26.37 degrees! - and then refused to re-warm. The only thing I had changed since last using the camera was to update the Atik Core software to the latest version - which I did because I wanted to try the latest version of Dusk.

I similarly found the 414 was not correctly identified in SharpCap and I could not capture images properly either.

In the end, because I did not want to waste the first clear night inages, I gave up trying to use the 414ex (and Dusk) and spent the evening using my ASI1600.

My experience may not be of any help but there again ....


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Hi Helen, just a thought. When you tried the camera out on your laptop did you use the same cable or at least the same cable length? I am guessing it is USB?

Yup as Dave said it may also be the Com port problem  and needs flushing.


Edited by Physopto
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Thanks all.  I'm using Windows 10 - as Adrian also had a problem and there's been arecent windows upgrade, I wonder... My Asi 1600 worked ok last night too 🙂 

Yes, I used the same usb cable inside too Derek.

I think it might be good to clear all the old USB stuff and start again, Dave.



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Win 10 had a bad upgrade a month or so ago. It was 1909. Shortly after (within a week I am told ) it was withdrawn. Then re released a few days ago with the bugs apparently removed. The original release of 1909 screwed up ACP. Bob Denny now says it seems OK and works with ACP so far without problems, I hope so. But there could be other bugs. When was your Win 10 updated? If a while ago I would revert to an earlier version then after a couple of reboots reinstal the latest 1909.


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39 minutes ago, Helen said:

I think it might be good to clear all the old USB stuff and start again, Dave.

 I had an idea that this wasn't a problem in Win10 in that it just keeps adding virtual ports ad infinitum, also clearing stuff can involve editing the registry, not a good thing unless you're an IT expert, however I haven't tried it since Win XP so may be possible using device manager like reassigning ports, probably instructions somewhere on tinternet.


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Hi Helen, hope this is not trying to teach your granny to suck eggs, but have you shut down a couple of times between and restarted again from clearing the Com ports. Windows can be a law unto itself and can eventually sort things out if repeatedly restarted.  I guess you will say yes but thought it worth a punt. I went through several months of similar problems a few years ago. Any way best of luck.


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This kind of nonsense is utterly maddening and you have my sympathy, Helen. Personally I never change anything, under any circumstances, when a setup is working. If I wanted to introduce a new camera I would introduce a new PC for it because I don't trust the software to cope with a change.


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