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Tried for a Mosaic, but...


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Not really sure why but the panes look very odd when put together.

I think that the actual images aren't too bad, but there is a increase in brightness in the middle - I thought that this might be dew to start with, but I checked and it wasn't...

Damn, while aligning the finder etc. I put the barlow on the table, could that have caused a slight misting of the lens that could have caused this uneven field illumination?

Anyway here they are warts and all...


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Despite the misty look, there's a good amount of detail coming through, Ant. :thumbright:

My only guess is that there might have been very light cirrus ripples moving through. Too high and thin to be detected visually, but very capable of catching and scattering the moonlight.

Odd results though, I do admit that. Aside from the brightness variations, there's inconsistent sharpness too. For example, compare images 10984 and 10985.

In image 10985, Fourier (left) is sharper than Cavendish (right). But in image 10984, it's just the opposite.. Cavendish is sharper than Fourier. How can this be?

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