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Orion Nebula


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Hi All,

Sorry this is a little old now, I did it just over a week ago, and was going to post it at the time, but the sketch looked so much better in the dark than it did in the cold light of day I didn't think it worthy of posting here, so then went to write a post on the observing page, and then talked myself out of that too.

So anyway, I'm in front of my computer and enjoying looking at what others have been posting so thought what the hell -  maybe someone else will enjoy finding this if they're bored or trying to stay out of the way of whatever it is their other half is watching on tele like me.

This was done on the last really good clear night I had. It wasn't forecast to be particularly clear but when I looked I could see it looked pretty good, and knowing Orion would be coming up soon, I carried my scope out into the back garden and set it up; all the time expecting the clouds to come over and ruin everything. I started off by doing a quick sketch of The Pleiades but struggled to get that all in proportion so I obviously need a bit more practise at groups of stars.

I thought I would try M1 not expecting too much as I've never been able to see that, but there it was. Only a fuzzy patch - but clearly there.

By this time M42 was beginning to come up above the roof tops and though I was still looking through the branches of an apple tree it looked amazing. And the more I studied it the more I seemed to see and the better it got, with it also climbing higher and clearing the tree as well of course.

By the time I'd finished drawing, my feet and hands were beginning to complain from the cold so I quickly had a look at Betelgeuse and Bellatrix, and then did another quick drawing of Meissa at the head of Orion, (which I hadn't ever really looked at before). Again that was a really pleasing sight too.

Well they're forecasting clear skies for tomorrow so fingers crossed for that.

Cheers all.



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9 hours ago, MimasDeathStar said:

I've not seen it yet but am really looking forward to it in the coming weeks!

You'll love it. Look out for the Trapezium. I've only noticed four stars there, but apparently I should be able to see six, so I need to look carefully again too.

Thanks for your comments.

10 hours ago, Stu said:

not an easy one to do I imagine.

Thanks Stu. I really need to try again, I need a softer pastel or something, (it's too scratchy), but it was better than my appalling attempt at the Pleiades! lol

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44 minutes ago, Lurcher said:

Thanks Stu. I really need to try again, I need a softer pastel or something, (it's too scratchy), but it was better than my appalling attempt at the Pleiades! lol

I've not tried it, but getting the star spacing correct must be a nightmare!

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Hi Martin,

Brave to attempt M42 - over the years I have attempted it and thrown them away but your drawing does capture the broad details.  I think I have kept one attempt, so I will try and find it. To get a less scratchy appearance. Use photocopy paper (its smooth) and then use a blending stumps to smooth the pencil out (that's the technique I use for my lunar work).

As to the Trapezium. Need a steady sky and a good transparency. E is relatively easy, F is harder. Some times they just stand out once you know where they are. Keep magnification at a point where you are still getting as sharp as possible stars. 

Have fun. Mike

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7 hours ago, Lurcher said:

Thanks Stu. I really need to try again, I need a softer pastel or something, (it's too scratchy), but it was better than my appalling attempt at the Pleiades! lol

Have you tried blending stubs? They're amazing, perfect for smudging and "colouring in" the fainter areas. The beauty is then that with just an eraser tipped pencil and a blending stub you've got a whole array of techniques at your disposal. Even better they're only about £2 for a full set and last for years.

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18 hours ago, MimasDeathStar said:

Have you tried blending stubs? They're amazing, perfect for smudging and "colouring in" the fainter areas. The beauty is then that with just an eraser tipped pencil and a blending stub you've got a whole array of techniques at your disposal. Even better they're only about £2 for a full set and last for years.

I must admit I do have some blending stubs, but I found I just couldn't blend it as much as I hoped. But I'll keep trying and experimenting. (You have reminded I do need to buy a small compass to draw my circles) . Thanks for your comments again. 

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