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Jupiter Lunar occultation daylight reappearance in UK!


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Looking to see where the Moon would be at sunset on the 28th November (tomorrow) here in the UK, I noticed that Jupiter looked like it had passed close to the Moon earlier in the day. Scanning back on Stellarium on my phone, it shows that as the Moon rises at about 10:20 here in the Central Belt in Scotland, Jupiter reappears from occultation at about 10:29!


It would probably be difficult to spot that low, especially with the weather we're all having recently, but were folks aware of this possibility?



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Great spot but, it's an incredibly young Moon but for me Jupiter starts to emerge while less than 3 deg above the horizon. So all things considered even on a crystal clear day with a flat E horizon (which I don't) it'd be a very difficult find.

However, sunset might be a different story. The thin crescent Moon between Venus and Jupiter. Might be worth a punt! 

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This morning was quite sunny, first time in a while up here, but of course was cloudy on the appropriate horizon! Which is what usually happens when trying to see a young crescent Moon in the evening! ;)


Will try this evening to see if I can see the thin crescent, fingers crossed!

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After a wonderful blue sky early afternoon, of course it was cloudy at 4pm!


There were very slight gaps in the clouds in the South West roughly where the Moon, Venus and Jupiter might have been which teased me, but no luck!


Sometimes I wonder why I bother with this hobby! ;)

Edited by trynda1701
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I envy your skys, and warm sunny weather, but i guess theres one thing you can say about living here is that all of our summer and autumn

insects have now gone for the winter. All of them be it wasps, mossies, houseflys and moths.

If they've not been frozen to death, then they'd most likely have drowned in all the rain.

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Got these two shots with my camera phone on Friday, so at least I can say I did some astronomy in November!


Crescent Moon, from garden, 29/11/19 16:04




Crescent Moon, from bedroom, 29/11/19 16:34


Got a nice look with the 10x50s as well. And saw Venus with the binos upstairs afterwards as well.



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