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Photoshop make levels histogram popup window bigger ???

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Hey guys,

When I pull up a levels layer to do a histogram stretch, is there a way to make the tiny little window that pops up that you use for the stretch process a bit bigger?  It's so small, like a postage stamp and easy to clip accidentally when setting the black point.  

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Sorry Steve didn't read your post properly :rolleyes:

Did you mean this one ?  if you click on the little one in the layers pallet you should get a bigger one above it.



Edited by Davey-T
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Hi Guys, thank you for your input.

I create a new later and double click the histogram graphic in the layer panel (to the right of the mask icon).  I get teh pop up window of the histogram so I can stretch it.  I was looking for a way to get this bigger so it can be stretched more accurately, like Histogram Transformation in PI.  But even when I make this levels pop-up window bigger, the histogram itself does not get bigger - as per attached pic.

I am on latest Photoshop CC with all updates (use it for photography as well).



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2 hours ago, carastro said:

OK, I use levels from image adjust/levels.  

It's recommended by the "experts" that you make a levels adjustment layer complete with mask so you can go back to it and tweak it rather than start a new one, likewise with other image adjustments, but they all need naming otherwise you end up in a complete muddle like I always do 😂


PS: Carole you're supposed to use Ctrl L. you know what Olly said 😂

Edited by Davey-T
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4 hours ago, kirkster501 said:

I am on latest Photoshop CC with all updates (use it for photography as well).

As far as I know, you can't make it bigger. I've just ran into the same problem. Mine is docked in the side pane. You can change the size of the "container" but not the actual histogram within it :( It might be worth you floating the question in the Adobe forum and/or providing Adobe with feedback.

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