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Image Screen issue in Stellarium

Look left

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When opening the image tool in Stellarium showing the view through my Rebel Camera the Longtitude shows OK but the latitude is a mess it seems to show the latitude twice one on top of the other so I cannot input these into APT todo list. How can I put this right.?

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1 hour ago, Look left said:

When opening the image tool in Stellarium showing the view through my Rebel Camera the Longtitude shows OK but the latitude is a mess it seems to show the latitude twice one on top of the other so I cannot input these into APT todo list. How can I put this right.?

can you post a screen shot? 

APT has its own database of objects you can use. 

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Thanks for coming to help me.

Here is the problem shown in the photo, as you can see you cannot read the coordinates. Therefor I cannot put them into plate solve to centre the image I want. 

I wish to put the coordinates into the Goto list at the correct position I want to image.

how do I get the red coordinates in Stellarium to expand so I can see them?

i assume there is a setting somewhere .


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2 hours ago, Look left said:

Thanks for coming to help me.

Here is the problem shown in the photo, as you can see you cannot read the coordinates. Therefor I cannot put them into plate solve to centre the image I want. 

I wish to put the coordinates into the Goto list at the correct position I want to image.

how do I get the red coordinates in Stellarium to expand so I can see them?

i assume there is a setting somewhere .


The coordinate numbers may spread out a bit if you zoom in a little.

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The screen shot is only a sample to show the issue. I really want to pick a point between the 2 DSO,s in Leo so that I can get them in the same frame of my Camera image . If I know coordinates then I can aim for that in APT by putting it in my todo list before I,m imaging so it's just a 2 click process rather than mucking about in the early hrs of imaging platesolving ,Goto++ etc.

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7 hours ago, Look left said:

The screen shot is only a sample to show the issue. I really want to pick a point between the 2 DSO,s in Leo so that I can get them in the same frame of my Camera image . If I know coordinates then I can aim for that in APT by putting it in my todo list before I,m imaging so it's just a 2 click process rather than mucking about in the early hrs of imaging platesolving ,Goto++ etc.

See my post above about using cross hairs that you can move around the screen to get co-ord's.


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Thanks for your replies. I,ve found a way of doing it.

when your in this screen if you hold down Ctrl and zoom in using the far right of screen pg up pg down 9 and 3 on the key pad you can zoom in out and then it appears. It does not work if you use Ctrl page up and down with the up and down arrow keys as it will not zoom at all with these keys.

however if Star Forming Alexander says there is a fix in next download issue then that would be great.

thanks again.

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