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Meade LX90 - what do I do?


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Not totally sure what forum is most appropriate for this post...

I have two questions...


1. — Does anyone have experience of putting rings or a dovetail on a Meade OTA? Would anyone recommend one way or another? And any specific products?

2. — Do you think I could sell the LX90 fork mount without the OTA?


As the local expert in all things telescope, I’ve been tasked to deal with an 8” Meade LX90  by someone who doesn’t use his (there is a small chance it could be the lx200 but I wasn’t paying attention when I was last visiting). 

All things being equal, I’d like the OTA to keep for myself since I don’t have an SCT and this is essentially being gifted to me if I want it. However, I have a CEM60 on a pier and have no interest in the Meade fork mount. Also, I think the present owner for sentimental reasons would prefer I got the use out of it rather than just selling everything - though he is realistic too.

The mount is in good condition with all the bits and a couple of accessories like a wifi adaptor. I personally just have no use for it.

Or am I being stupid and should just sell the thing as a package including the OTA? 



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I have put mounting rings on a smaller Meade scope which I used for planetary imaging.  It worked just fine, but I did have to pad it out slightly as the rings were slightly loose.   The rings were then mounted on a vixen dovetail. 

Can't remember where I order them from now as it was a few years ago. 

I think the chances of selling the forked mount on its own are unlikely, unless some-one has the same scope and the mount has packed up.  

You could put a feeler out on both here and on UKABS and see what response you get.  


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Many moons ago there was an article in the Sky at Night magazine on de-forking a Meade SCT and they made rings from thin steel bent to shape and lined with felt, there are probably a couple of small threaded holes at each end to fit piggy backed scopes and balancing weight systems.
I tapped these out bigger on mine to fit bars top and bottom, no reason they couldn't be doubled up and made bigger, there are bars with curved inserts for Celestron SCTs that might be adapted to fit.


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For attaching a dovetail bar, I am sure it is possible. It may or not need any packing for a snug fit. I replied to similar answer a few months ago and was told that there were some blanking plugs somewhere on the OTA, though I cannot remember whether it was a Meade or Celestron SCT. You could ask https://sctelescopes.com/ and get an estimate if it involves a bit drilling etc., and get it serviced whilst you are at it.  

A bit of a 'tough one', but I am sure someone would buy the LX90/LX200 fork mount. I would place an advert in the For Sale section or UKAB&S and take it from there.


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I also had an LX90 some years ago that I deforked and mounted onto an EQ6.  I also used a Losmandy plate which I think was made by Farpoint Astro.  The process of deforking went surprisingly easy, as did the refork when I later sold the scope.


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  • 2 weeks later...

@r3i maybe that’s the best idea. It will also save me the trouble of carting the fork and tripod a few hundred miles form its current location. I can take the ota for immediate use and deal with the bulk later, and easier re-sell. 

Did you have any handles or anything on it? Or was it easy to mount and manipulate once it was deforked? I will have to mount and de mount for each session.





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On 03/10/2019 at 10:16, London_David said:

@r3i maybe that’s the best idea. It will also save me the trouble of carting the fork and tripod a few hundred miles form its current location. I can take the ota for immediate use and deal with the bulk later, and easier re-sell. 

Did you have any handles or anything on it? Or was it easy to mount and manipulate once it was deforked? I will have to mount and de mount for each session.





If I recall, the scope was quite light and easy to carry. The NEQ6 mount was more of a handful.

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