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NGC7000 - Hubble widefield


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I think I may well have lost my way with this - I find the Hubble palette so hard and I never know when I've arrived at the correct end result.

This is 12 x 120s of Ha, OIII and SII in a 90% moon using a Samyang 135mm + ASI1600MM-Pro all unguided.


Pre-processed in APP and processed in Photoshop.

Any advice on how to improve the colour balance would be gratefully received.

Thanks for looking.



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3 minutes ago, Brian28 said:

I love the colours ..  cracking shot ! 

Thanks Brian. I think where you can end up is largely a function of what you start with and the OIII and SII were not the best because of the 90% moon. Even under ideal conditions I think the quality of filters also affects what you can achieve.

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18 minutes ago, Brian28 said:

How did you combine , in what order , the Ha , OIII & SII layers ?

This is SHO : RGB - each one was processed in PixInsight using ABE (subtraction and then division) followed by a stretch using ScreenTransferFunction on the Ha, OIII and SII masters. I then combined them in Photoshop using Annie's Astro Actions and then used Levels (to align the histograms), Curves (to balance the colours)  and Selective Colour (to suppress the Cyan and increase the Blue) to try to arrive at a pleasing result. Finally I used Dfine2 to reduce the noise and saved as a jpg.


16 minutes ago, Brian28 said:

do you use Light room as well as PS

I have LR but never use it for Astro imaging.

14 minutes ago, Brian28 said:

Don't do any think to the colour balance .

Thanks again for the kind comments. I'm glad you like the image.


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I process in APP then Photoshop ..  I take my images into LR mainly to use a few of the tools available which are easy to use , and very effective . for instance you can use a pen tool to clarify detail .. might be worth a try some time ..  I just find some things easier in LR than Photoshop .. 



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10 hours ago, Star101 said:

Personally, I just go for what I like. If the colours match everyone else's, great. If not, hey, I like them anyway, deal with it :)

As seen here :)

Couldn’t agree more.  If everyone used the same software and same approaches, wouldn’t it be a dull old hobby? There may or may not be “right” colours, but I much prefer to go with what I like for my own images.  I personally find the “Hubble Pallet” way too psychedelic - we all know, deep down, that emission nebulae should be red, shouldn’t they..?

But this is still a fine image by anyone’s estimation.


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10 minutes ago, Hallingskies said:

I personally find the “Hubble Pallet” way too psychedelic - we all know, deep down, that emission nebulae should be red, shouldn’t they..?

Haha! As my mother would have said "there's now't natural about that!" but then she was probably referring to the colour of someone's hair! I am inclined to agree but sometimes I think Hubble can occasionally reveal detail and structure that was not so immediately apparent in the conventional 'red' approach.

I also produced a red version but didn't use STF; I used the usual multiple/incremental HistogramStretch approach on the Ha, OIII and SII masters followed by PixelMath in PixInsight and a final tweak in PS.

It's all part of the fun - and frustration!



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