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Cleaning a spec off a sensor.

maw lod qan

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"pros at a shop" - no offence to those working in camera shops but I wouldn't let one of them anywhere near my sensor.

I use VSGO cleaning swabs and if needed VSGO sensor cleaning fluid. It's easy to do and take just a few minutes. You can get different swab sizes to match your sensor. 

Useful tip - hold the camera upside down when cleaning as it avoids anything falling back onto the sensor. Gentle swipe one way, then the other usually does it. 

To check a sensor for dust, put a long lens on, at least 150mm, shut it down to f22 and take a picture of a blank, out of focus area, such as sky. You may be shocked at how dirty your sensor is!

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Thanks for the info.

I see a spec in my images, not when I look through the view finder. Saw it distinctly this morning while imaging the moon with a 1000mm lens. Move the moon around in the view finder and the spec stayed in the same place on the sensor.

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On 14/09/2019 at 09:05, maw lod qan said:

I'm sure I have a spec of trash on the sensor of my Canon SL1. Can I clean it? Or would it be better to take it to the pros at a shop?

Now I'm thinking, it wouldn't register on the sensor, but it would block that area. Right?

No dont send it to the tools in the camera shop.

Have you tried using a rocket blower yet?

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