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still trying and trying

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After finding and reading your other posts.

You've got good star shape. In order to hope to bring out more in your target then next time take 100 lights as if anything is being picked up that will strengthen the signal in your very short exposures.

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Why don't you try using your D5300 plus the kit lens at 18mm f4 on a tripod.  take 30-40 lights @ 15 secs (500 rule) ISO 1600, 20-30 darks, flats and bias.  Stack them in DSS  and process the file in Photoshop or Gimp.  You will get some nebulosity and plenty of stars and excitement.  I always get excited when I make a nice picture.

Photographing through your OTA will only get you cranky and disappointed.  

Best of luck.



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On 03/09/2019 at 02:16, Anthony1979 said:

Im just seeing if im going in the right direction.... This was only 24 lights and 9 darks taken at a third of a second each iso 6400 stacked in dss...  So if i took say another 100 lights would it starting bringing something out


Third of a second will not cut it, not even at 6400 iso.

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A third of s second is nowhere near enough of an exposure to show nebulosity around this area  - this is your problem.  Many of us on here do exposures 2-3 and as long as 30 minutes.  And of course, longer exposures require tracking and, potentially, guiding.   You need to work on getting your exposures up to 60 secs at least.


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47 minutes ago, Anthony1979 said:

Thanks but thats the best i can get up to now.... I might give up on it now

Why don't you look at a Skywatcher Star Adventurer?  These are very light weight, tracking mounts for a reasonable cost that will allow you much longer exposures.  Many people on Youtube and on this forum use these with great success.



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get your camera and telescope out and take some pics of the moon......   That's where most of use started.  Getting frustrated with out of focus moon pics, back in the film days.


Sky Watcher Star Adventurer is a bloody wonderful piece of kit.  Have one and love it.

have a look here   

and here  





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