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The Eastern Veil (HaOiiiRGB)- 53HRS


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greetings yall!


Ive had consistently clear skies the past two weeks so I have been taking full advantage!


The WingED Bat Nebula - This is a very small portion of the entire Veil complex, a huge supernova remnant left over from star explosion nearly 10,000 years ago. This star would have shined bright enough to be seen during the day! The thin, spiral like filaments are high in Hydrogen alpha and Oxygen particles creating the red and blue colors you see before you. The stars were added using visible light filters (RGB) to give this image a most natural look. I hope you all enjoy!
Exposure details:
30hrs Oiii (3nm)
20hrs Ha (3nm)
1hrs RGB (each)
Total exposure time: 53hrs

Equipment Details:
Asi1600mm pro
Astrodon HaOiiiRGB

the winged bat nebula 8rc bicolor RGB.jpg

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That image looks great and I admire your dedication for this one, but something's wrong in your imaging train, look at the stars in your top right corner. It's like the camera was pulling on one side of the focuser so much the sensor stopped being parallel with the rest of the imaging train. I used to have the same problem, I'd recommend checking the stiffness of the focuser and retightening of every screw around it. Also this might be just my taste but I would hold back on with the denoising, with 53 hours you don't really need it and the result looks a bit too plastic. A little noise is good it adds sharpness to the image. 

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7 hours ago, john2y said:

That image looks great and I admire your dedication for this one, but something's wrong in your imaging train, look at the stars in your top right corner. It's like the camera was pulling on one side of the focuser so much the sensor stopped being parallel with the rest of the imaging train. I used to have the same problem, I'd recommend checking the stiffness of the focuser and retightening of every screw around it. Also this might be just my taste but I would hold back on with the denoising, with 53 hours you don't really need it and the result looks a bit too plastic. A little noise is good it adds sharpness to the image. 

So my focuser is a POS stock. I’m getting s moonlight soon. This may solve the problem but a wind storm came and blew over my imaging rig a few months ago destroying the collimation. That’s may also be the issue. As per the noise.. my image was still rather noisy which was shocking. I admit I did a little too much noise reduction. I plan on processing it again. Thanks so much for the tips!

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