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Anyone see Venus and Jupiter tonight?


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I was fetching my sister from school and saw two beautiful bright beacons near the horizon, against a blue and deep orange sunset. I just had to stop the car and have a proper look as it was such a beautiful sight.

The Venus was the much brighter of the two and it stood out impressively against the bright twilight sky - first time I've seen her in months and months.

Did anyone else see this?


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Not tonight , but over the last week or so its getting better and better , roll on Dec 1st :)

I didn't know about that - wow, that looks like it's gonna be saweet! Just a pity it will probs be too low down for my trees :D


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I had a good look at them last night Andrew..

Jupiter and three moons were evident Io appearing from behind the giant at 1730, still quite good with banding evident considering it's position in the sky.

Venus was a bright jewel in the sky although no phase could be seen, perhaps a bit to low in the murkiness??


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Hi, my first post so be gentle with me :wave:

On Monday night got home, and there were two bright 'stars' just west of south, low down in the sky. They were just above the fence to the south of my house.

Popped a C6 onto a tripod, and with the zoom eyepiece and a bit of 'faffing' got fine views of Jupiter and its moons.

Venus below was just a bright small disk, but Jupiter and its moons were very clear.

Later that night about 21.00 had set up my C8 for a fine view of Uranus. Jupiter and Venus were both too low, and Neptune was below the wall in my backyard.

At about 17.00 the Alt of the 4 planets was Uranus 27deg, Neptune 20deg, Jupiter 7deg, and Venus 2 deg

It has been too cloudy last night and tonight to see them again :)

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I walked out of work after a stressful day, looked up, and the sight of these 2 put a whole new perspective on it. Seeing planets in conjunction like that always reminds me of the bigger scale of things. Was hoping to be able to finish work early on the 1st but can't now - gutted...


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Saw them last night as well. Had just finished work as was making the long trek across the back garden from the office to home ( :) ) when I saw them. Venus definately very bright and the sky lovely and clear.

Went in for half an hour, came beack out to set up the scope and it was wall to wall cloud (again!)

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Saw them briefly on Saturday evening before the fog came in. Spectacular visual pair, with the twilight background really adding to the effect. Hope the weather clers over the next couple of days !


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