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Need filter help!

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Hello all!

i am using a Skywatcher Evostar 80mm Pro. I am considering a Lumicon Gen 3 OIII Oxygen III Filter or an Optolong UHC Filter. My Skywatcher is an f 7.5 so not sure what I should choose! I see a lot of light effect from a nearby town but want to see the brighter deep sky objects. Any advice?

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The UHC will probably be of more use as a "general purpose" filter, but an oIII visual filter can be very effective on certain objects. My first eyeball sighting on M57 was with with an OIII - utterly invisible with anything else, but the OIII made it just pop out.

I guess what I am saying is: you will probably end up buying both!

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Being an 80mm scope, I recommend the UHC as the OIII will most likley cut out too much brightness to be of much use... the UHC will shine and be a great benefit on a lot of nebulae.


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16 hours ago, Greg6498 said:

Hello all!

i am using a Skywatcher Evostar 80mm Pro. I am considering a Lumicon Gen 3 OIII Oxygen III Filter or an Optolong UHC Filter. My Skywatcher is an f 7.5 so not sure what I should choose! I see a lot of light effect from a nearby town but want to see the brighter deep sky objects. Any advice?

If you are catching the skyglow from a nearby town I would try the Baader Moon&Skyglow filter to help with this. It really does work. with high pressure sodium lighting.







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UHC and O-III filters enhance the contrast a range of nebulae but don't do anything for galaxies or star clusters.

I have the Lumicon O-III and it is superb on targets such as the Veil Nebula. I've tried some low cost UHC type filters such as the Svbony and the Optolong and theys did not have much of an effect to be honest. The DGM NBP or Lumicon UHC filters are much more effective.


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