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Although the forecast for last night was poor, yesterday evening it was showing several hours of clear sky this evening -- positive news for my next task of drift aligning my mounts.

But no!  This morning and just after lunch it had changed and there was going to be no clear sky at all :(

Come 5pm however, and the forecast for clear sky tonight is back.

So, who knows?  Perhaps it will snow.  Or rain frogs.  But just in case the clouds turn out to have more pressing business elsewhere I shall go and open up the observatory and get everything organised.


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Came in at about 1am in the end, having failed to align the mounts but made a big list of all sorts of other things I need to do beforehand.  Shame about not getting the alignment done, but having rushed to get things organised because I didn't think I'd be out at first I can live with it.  I did discover that Altair is about perfectly placed in the East for using as an alignment star though.


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Saturday night the BBC forecast was for Clear Skies from 22:00 to 02:00.

It was 90% cloud for the whole period.

The forecast didn't change during that period.

My impression is that accuracy has dropped since they dropped the Met Office and went to MeteoGroup.


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