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M1 - 21/11/08 - C9.25 + Atik 16HR


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Finally after a lots of stops and starts I can start imaging again. I was using the C9.25 at F6.3.

5 X 10mins H-alpha and 5 X 10mins OIII. I had to throw away 3 Ha and 3 OIII subs , this seems to have been due to wind moving the scope. My 130mm APO being a much smaller tube does not seem to be affected in this way. ( big dew shield on the C9.25 does not help either )

I synthesised a green channel from the Ha and OIII images.

Its nice to be up and running again even though it clouded over about midnight.


PS - Just noticed Richie's image - interesting comparing the two.


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Lovely John - yeah - its interesting to compare - sometime I wish I had kept my 10" SCT to hook up to the SXV-H9....

I might give it a go @ F/14 with a barlow at some point.....

A few more subs, and the contrast jumps out - you going to revisit it?

I hope to. I don't no why but when I try to add stuff to previous images it never seems to turn out as good as when I take all the images in one go. :hello2:


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