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Orion's Sword (M42) second go


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I braved the cold tonight and managed to grab a second go at M42. Colour seems better and background darker. Really happy with this overall.

Grateful for more views and tips.



Equinox 80


Nexstar SE mount


(click to enlarge)

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The 400D was at prime focus with the equinox use a 2 inch adapter with a skywatcher LP filter. That is a stack of 10 20 second exposures along with 5 darks. I put it through deep sky stacker then tweaked it a little in photoshop.

Glad you like it.


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For just 3 minutes and 20 seconds you have captured alot of detail.

Try a longer time say 30 seconds as field rotation my kick after this and maybe at least 30 subs.

More frames will equal more detail.

Overall it's a great shot.

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Nice image Jonathan. Using AltAz as long as you image when the target is low in the sky, but not too far south, you should be able to extend up to nearer a minute. If you can manage it when Orion rises and gets high enough to clear the murk, you may even be able to get up nearer 2 minutes before trailing becomes a problem.

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